Ignore Property

Microsoft Excel Visual Basic

Ignore Property


Allows the user to set or return the state of an error checking option for a range. False enables an error checking option for a range. True disables an error checking option for a range. Read/write Boolean.


expression   Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


Reference the ErrorCheckingOptions object to view a list of index values associated with error checking options.


This example disables the ignore flag in cell A1 for checking empty cell references.

Sub IgnoreChecking()


    ' Determine if empty cell references error checking is on, if not turn it on.
    If Application.Range("A1").Errors(xlEmptyCellReferences).Ignore = True Then
        Application.Range("A1").Errors(xlEmptyCellReferences).Ignore = False
        MsgBox "Empty cell references error checking has been enabled for cell A1."
        MsgBox "Empty cell references error checking is already enabled for cell A1."
    End If

End Sub