Diagram Object

Represents a diagram.
Using the Diagram object
Use the Diagram property of the Shape object or ShapeRange collection to a return a Diagram object. The following example adds a radial diagram to the active worksheet.
Sub NewDiagram()
Dim wksActiveSheet As Worksheet
Dim shDiagram As Shape
Set wksActiveSheet = ActiveSheet
Set shDiagram = wksActiveSheet.Shapes.AddDiagram( _
Type:=msoDiagramRadial, _
Left:=20, Top:=40, _
Width:=400, Height:=200)
' Fill the diagram to make it visible to the user
shDiagram.Fill.Visible = msoTrue
End Sub
You can also convert the current diagram to a different diagram by using the Convert method. Note If the current diagram is an organization chart (msoDiagramOrgChart) a run-time error will occur. In this example, a radial diagram is converted into a target diagram.
Sub NewDiagram()
Dim wksActiveSheet As Worksheet
Dim shDiagram As Shape
Set wksActiveSheet = ActiveSheet
Set shDiagram = wksActiveSheet.Shapes.AddDiagram( _
Type:=msoDiagramRadial, _
Left:=20, Top:=40, _
Width:=400, Height:=200)
' Fill the diagram to make it visible to the user
shDiagram.Fill.Visible = msoTrue
' Convert the diagram.
shDiagram.Diagram.Convert Type:=msoDiagramTarget
End Sub
There are several types of diagrams to chose from when working with the Diagram object. Refer to the AddDiagram method to view a list of available diagram types.