PoolManager Methods

Ultimate Pooling

PoolManager Methods

The PoolManager type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public method createPool(String)
Attempts to create a new object pool for a prefab located in the resources folder. If a pool already exists for the specified prefab name then this method will simply return the existing pool.
Public method createPool(Component, String)
Attempts to create a new object pool for the component prefab type. If a pool already exists for the specified prefab then this method will simply return the existing pool.
Public method createPool(GameObject, String)
Attempt to create a new obejct pool for prefab type. If a pool already exists for the specified prefab then this method will simply return the exising pool.
Public method destroyPool
Destroys a pool group and call of its pooled instances.
Public method findPool(String)
Find the pool for the prefab with the specified name.
Public method findPool(Object)
Find the pool for the specified prefab.
Public method findPoolWithInstance
Find the pool that initially spawned the specified instance. This method will fail if the pool that spawned this instance has been destroyed. In this case it will be up to the user to destroy the object manually, or call despawn(Object) which will result in the same thing.
Public method hasPool
Returns true if there is an existing pool for the specified prefab type.
See Also