STM8S/A Standard Peripherals Firmware Library: stm8s_gpio.h File Reference


stm8s_gpio.h File Reference

This file contains all functions prototype and macros for the GPIO peripheral. More...

#include "stm8s.h"

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 Macro used by the assert function to check the different functions parameters.
#define IS_GPIO_PIN_OK(PIN)   ((PIN) != (uint8_t)0x00)
 Macro used by the assert function in order to check the different values of GPIO_Pins.


enum  GPIO_Mode_TypeDef {
  GPIO_MODE_IN_FL_NO_IT = (uint8_t)0x00, GPIO_MODE_IN_PU_NO_IT = (uint8_t)0x40, GPIO_MODE_IN_FL_IT = (uint8_t)0x20, GPIO_MODE_IN_PU_IT = (uint8_t)0x60,
  GPIO_MODE_OUT_OD_LOW_FAST = (uint8_t)0xA0, GPIO_MODE_OUT_PP_LOW_FAST = (uint8_t)0xE0, GPIO_MODE_OUT_OD_LOW_SLOW = (uint8_t)0x80, GPIO_MODE_OUT_PP_LOW_SLOW = (uint8_t)0xC0,
  GPIO_MODE_OUT_OD_HIZ_FAST = (uint8_t)0xB0, GPIO_MODE_OUT_PP_HIGH_FAST = (uint8_t)0xF0, GPIO_MODE_OUT_OD_HIZ_SLOW = (uint8_t)0x90, GPIO_MODE_OUT_PP_HIGH_SLOW = (uint8_t)0xD0
 GPIO modes. More...
enum  GPIO_Pin_TypeDef {
  GPIO_PIN_0 = ((uint8_t)0x01), GPIO_PIN_1 = ((uint8_t)0x02), GPIO_PIN_2 = ((uint8_t)0x04), GPIO_PIN_3 = ((uint8_t)0x08),
  GPIO_PIN_4 = ((uint8_t)0x10), GPIO_PIN_5 = ((uint8_t)0x20), GPIO_PIN_6 = ((uint8_t)0x40), GPIO_PIN_7 = ((uint8_t)0x80),
  GPIO_PIN_LNIB = ((uint8_t)0x0F), GPIO_PIN_HNIB = ((uint8_t)0xF0), GPIO_PIN_ALL = ((uint8_t)0xFF)
 Definition of the GPIO pins. More...


void GPIO_DeInit (GPIO_TypeDef *GPIOx)
 Deinitializes the GPIOx peripheral registers to their default reset values.
void GPIO_ExternalPullUpConfig (GPIO_TypeDef *GPIOx, GPIO_Pin_TypeDef GPIO_Pin, FunctionalState NewState)
 Configures the external pull-up on GPIOx pins.
void GPIO_Init (GPIO_TypeDef *GPIOx, GPIO_Pin_TypeDef GPIO_Pin, GPIO_Mode_TypeDef GPIO_Mode)
 Initializes the GPIOx according to the specified parameters.
uint8_t GPIO_ReadInputData (GPIO_TypeDef *GPIOx)
 Reads the specified GPIO input data port.
BitStatus GPIO_ReadInputPin (GPIO_TypeDef *GPIOx, GPIO_Pin_TypeDef GPIO_Pin)
 Reads the specified GPIO input data pin.
uint8_t GPIO_ReadOutputData (GPIO_TypeDef *GPIOx)
 Reads the specified GPIO output data port.
void GPIO_Write (GPIO_TypeDef *GPIOx, uint8_t PortVal)
 Writes data to the specified GPIO data port.
void GPIO_WriteHigh (GPIO_TypeDef *GPIOx, GPIO_Pin_TypeDef PortPins)
 Writes high level to the specified GPIO pins.
void GPIO_WriteLow (GPIO_TypeDef *GPIOx, GPIO_Pin_TypeDef PortPins)
 Writes low level to the specified GPIO pins.
void GPIO_WriteReverse (GPIO_TypeDef *GPIOx, GPIO_Pin_TypeDef PortPins)
 Writes reverse level to the specified GPIO pins.

Detailed Description

This file contains all functions prototype and macros for the GPIO peripheral.

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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Definition in file stm8s_gpio.h.

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