STM8S/A Standard Peripherals Firmware Library
Networking with CAN to control Leds
******************** (C)COPYRIGHT 2014 STMicroelectronics ******************* * @file CAN/CAN_Networking/readme.txt * @author MCD Application Team * @version V2.2.0 * @date 30-September-2014 * @brief This file contains the main function for CAN networking example. ****************************************************************************** * * Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License"); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************
- Example description
This example provides a short description of how to use the CAN peripheral: CAN peripheral is configured to send and receive CAN frames. The sent frames are used to control Leds. An LCD is used to give information about :
- CAN sender (sender of the frame)
- CAN receiver (receiver of the frame)
- Controlled Led (set ON)
The CAN serial communication link is a bus to which a number of units may be connected. This number has no theoretical limit. Practically the total number of units will be limited by delay times and/or electrical loads on the bus line.
- Note:
- This example is tested with a bus of 3 units. The same program example is loaded in all units to send and receive frames.
CAN is configured as follow:
- Bit Rate = 1 Mbit/s
- CAN Clock = Internal (HSI)
- ID Filter = All identifiers are allowed
- RTR = Data
- DLC = 1 byte
- Directory contents
- CAN\CAN_Networking\main.c Main file containing the "main" function
- CAN\CAN_Networking\main.h Main file declaration
- CAN\CAN_Networking\stm8s_conf.h Library Configuration file
- CAN\CAN_Networking\stm8s_it.c Interrupt routines source
- CAN\CAN_Networking\stm8s_it.h Interrupt routines declaration
- Hardware environment
- This example runs only on STM8S208 and STM8A52Ax devices.
- This example has been tested with STMicroelectronics STM8/128-EVAL evaluation board and can be easily tailored to any other development board.
- STM8/128-EVAL Set-up
- Key push button
- LD1..LD4
- Mono LCD
- If another board is used, consider the folloing hardware connections :
- PH3 -> LED1 -> resistor -> ground
- PH2 -> LED2 -> resistor -> ground
- PH1 -> LED3 -> resistor -> ground
- PH0 -> LED4 -> resistor -> ground
- PC0 -> Key Button -> ground + pull-up on 5V
- PG1 (CAN Rx) and PG0 (CAN Tx) connected to a DB9 connector using a CAN Bus transceiver (eg. L9616).
- Connect a female/female CAN cable between at least 2 EVAL CAN connectors (CN8 on STM8/128-EVAL board)
- Connector 1 DB9_PIN2 to Connector 2 DB9_PIN2 (CAN_L)
- Connector 1 DB9_PIN5 to Connector 2 DB9_PIN5 ( GND )
- Connector 1 DB9_PIN7 to Connector 2 DB9_PIN7 (CAN_H)
- How to use it ?
In order to make the program work, you must do the following :
- Copy all source files from this example folder to the template folder under Project
- Open your preferred toolchain
- Add the required file:
- stm8s_eval_lcd.c (under Utilities)
- Rebuild all files and load your image into target memory
- Run the example
- In the first time the LCD shows the message "STM8S CAN Press Key".
- (1) By Pressing on Key Button : CAN send a Frame to command LED1 (LD1 ON) on the N eval-boards connected to the bus, all other Leds are OFF. The sender LCD shows "STM8S CAN Sender LD1 ON". The N-1 receivers LCD shows "STM8S CAN Receiver LD1 ON".
- Press on Key Button again to send CAN Frame to command LD2 ON on the N eval-boards, all other Leds are OFF. The sender LCD shows "STM8S CAN Sender LD2 ON". The N-1 receivers LCD shows "STM8S CAN Receiver LD2 ON".
- Press on Key Button again to send CAN Frame to command LD3 ON on the N eval-boards, all other Leds are OFF. The sender LCD shows "STM8S CAN Sender LD3 ON". The N-1 receivers LCD shows "STM8S CAN Receiver LD3 ON".
- Press on Key Button again to send CAN Frame to command LD4 ON on the N eval-boards, all other Leds are OFF. The sender LCD shows "STM8S CAN Sender LD4 ON". The N-1 receivers LCD shows "STM8S CAN Receiver LD4 ON".
- Press on Key Button again to go to step (1)
- Note:
- Any unit in the CAN bus may play the role of sender (by pressing on the key) or receiver.
- High-Density STM8A devices are the STM8AF52xx STM8AF6269/8x/Ax, STM8AF51xx, and STM8AF6169/7x/8x/9x/Ax microcontrollers where the Flash memory density ranges between 32 to 128 Kbytes
- Medium-Density STM8A devices are the STM8AF622x/4x, STM8AF6266/68, STM8AF612x/4x, and STM8AF6166/68 microcontrollers where the Flash memory density ranges between 8 to 32 Kbytes
- High-Density STM8S devices are the STM8S207xx, STM8S007 and STM8S208xx microcontrollers where the Flash memory density ranges between 32 to 128 Kbytes.
- Medium-Density STM8S devices are the STM8S105x and STM8S005 microcontrollers where the Flash memory density ranges between 16 to 32-Kbytes.
- Low-Density STM8S devices are the STM8S103xx, STM8S003 and STM8S903xx microcontrollers where the Flash density is 8 Kbytes.