Photon Unity Networking 2: Photon.Pun Namespace Reference

Photon Unity Networking 2

Photon.Pun Namespace Reference


namespace  UtilityScripts


class  CustomTypes
 Internally used class, containing de/serialization methods for various Unity-specific classes. Adding those to the Photon serialization protocol allows you to send them in events, etc.
class  DefaultPool
 The default implementation of a PrefabPool for PUN, which actually Instantiates and Destroys GameObjects but pools a resource. More...
struct  InstantiateParameters
interface  IPunInstantiateMagicCallback
interface  IPunObservable
 Defines the OnPhotonSerializeView method to make it easy to implement correctly for observable scripts. More...
interface  IPunOwnershipCallbacks
 This interface is used as definition of all callback methods of PUN, except OnPhotonSerializeView. Preferably, implement them individually. More...
interface  IPunPrefabPool
 Defines an interface for object pooling, used in PhotonNetwork.Instantiate and PhotonNetwork.Destroy. More...
class  MonoBehaviourPun
 This class adds the property photonView, while logging a warning when your game still uses the networkView. More...
class  MonoBehaviourPunCallbacks
 This class provides a .photonView and all callbacks/events that PUN can call. Override the events/methods you want to use. More...
class  PhotonAnimatorView
 This class helps you to synchronize Mecanim animations Simply add the component to your GameObject and make sure that the PhotonAnimatorView is added to the list of observed components More...
class  PhotonHandler
 Internal MonoBehaviour that allows Photon to run an Update loop.
struct  PhotonMessageInfo
 Container class for info about a particular message, RPC or update. More...
class  PhotonNetwork
 The main class to use the PhotonNetwork plugin. This class is static. More...
class  PhotonRigidbody2DView
class  PhotonRigidbodyView
class  PhotonStream
 This container is used in OnPhotonSerializeView() to either provide incoming data of a PhotonView or for you to provide it. More...
class  PhotonStreamQueue
 The PhotonStreamQueue helps you poll object states at higher frequencies than what PhotonNetwork.SendRate dictates and then sends all those states at once when Serialize() is called. On the receiving end you can call Deserialize() and then the stream will roll out the received object states in the same order and timeStep they were recorded in. More...
class  PhotonTransformView
class  PhotonTransformViewClassic
 This class helps you to synchronize position, rotation and scale of a GameObject. It also gives you many different options to make the synchronized values appear smooth, even when the data is only send a couple of times per second. Simply add the component to your GameObject and make sure that the PhotonTransformViewClassic is added to the list of observed components More...
class  PhotonTransformViewPositionControl
class  PhotonTransformViewPositionModel
class  PhotonTransformViewRotationControl
class  PhotonTransformViewRotationModel
class  PhotonTransformViewScaleControl
class  PhotonTransformViewScaleModel
class  PhotonView
 A PhotonView identifies an object across the network (viewID) and configures how the controlling client updates remote instances. More...
class  PunEvent
 Defines Photon event-codes as used by PUN.
class  PunExtensions
 Small number of extension methods that make it easier for PUN to work cross-Unity-versions. More...
class  PunRPC
 Replacement for RPC attribute with different name. Used to flag methods as remote-callable. More...
class  SceneManagerHelper
class  ServerSettings
 Collection of connection-relevant settings, used internally by PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings. More...


using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug
using Hashtable = ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable
using SupportClassPun = ExitGames.Client.Photon.SupportClass


enum  ConnectMethod
 Which PhotonNetwork method was called to connect (which influences the regions we want pinged). More...
enum  PunLogLevel
 Used to define the level of logging output created by the PUN classes. Either log errors, info (some more) or full. More...
enum  RpcTarget
 Enum of "target" options for RPCs. These define which remote clients get your RPC call. More...
enum  ViewSynchronization
enum  OwnershipOption
 Options to define how Ownership Transfer is handled per PhotonView. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum ConnectMethod

Which PhotonNetwork method was called to connect (which influences the regions we want pinged).

PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings will call either ConnectToMaster, ConnectToRegion or ConnectToBest, depending on the settings.

enum OwnershipOption

Options to define how Ownership Transfer is handled per PhotonView.

This setting affects how RequestOwnership and TransferOwnership work at runtime.


Ownership is fixed. Instantiated objects stick with their creator, scene objects always belong to the Master Client.


Ownership can be taken away from the current owner who can't object.


Ownership can be requested with PhotonView.RequestOwnership but the current owner has to agree to give up ownership.

The current owner has to implement IPunCallbacks.OnOwnershipRequest to react to the ownership request.

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