Photon Unity Networking 2
Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- u -
- Unsubscribe() : ChatClient , ChatEventCode , ChatOperationCode
- Update() : PhotonStatsGui
- UpdatePosition() : PhotonTransformViewPositionControl
- UpdateStatus : ChatOperationCode
- UriPath : ParameterCode
- UseAlternativeUdpPorts : PhotonNetwork , LoadBalancingClient
- UseBackgroundWorkerForSending : ChatClient
- UseCloud() : ServerSettings
- UseNameServer : AppSettings
- UserBlocked : ErrorCode
- UserId : AuthenticationValues , ChatClient , ChatParameterCode , ParameterCode , ActorProperties , AuthenticationValues , LoadBalancingClient , ParameterCode , Player
- UseRpcMonoBehaviourCache : PhotonNetwork
- Users : ChatEventCode
- UserSubscribed : ChatEventCode
- UserUnsubscribed : ChatEventCode