Photon Unity Networking 2
Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- p -
- PacketLossByCrcCheck : PhotonNetwork
- Parameters : WebRpcResponse
- Parent : CellTreeNode
- PeekNext() : PhotonStream
- Peer : PhotonLagSimulationGui
- PeerCount : ParameterCode
- PhotonServerSettings : PhotonNetwork
- PhotonStream() : PhotonStream
- PhotonStreamQueue() : PhotonStreamQueue
- photonView : MonoBehaviourPun
- PhotonViews : PhotonNetwork
- PlayerCount : GamePropertyKey , Room , RoomInfo
- PlayerList : PhotonNetwork
- PlayerListOthers : PhotonNetwork
- PlayerName : ActorProperties
- PlayerNumberingChanged() : PlayerNumbering
- PlayerProperties : ParameterCode
- Players : Room
- PlayersInRoomsCount : LoadBalancingClient
- PlayersOnMasterCount : LoadBalancingClient
- PlayersPerTeam : PunTeams
- PlayerTtl : GamePropertyKey
- PlayerTTL : ParameterCode
- PlayerTtl : Room
- playerTtl : RoomInfo
- PlayerTtl : RoomOptions
- Playing : ChatUserStatus
- PluginMismatch : ErrorCode
- PluginName : ParameterCode
- PluginReportedError : ErrorCode
- Plugins : ParameterCode , RoomOptions
- PluginVersion : ParameterCode
- Port : AppSettings
- Position : ParameterCode
- PrecisionForFloatSynchronization : PhotonNetwork
- PrecisionForQuaternionSynchronization : PhotonNetwork
- PrecisionForVectorSynchronization : PhotonNetwork
- PrefabPool : PhotonNetwork
- PrivateChannels : ChatClient
- PrivateMessage : ChatEventCode
- Properties : ChatParameterCode , ParameterCode
- PropertiesChanged : EventCode
- PropertiesListedInLobby : Room
- propertiesListedInLobby : RoomInfo
- PropsListedInLobby : GamePropertyKey
- Protocol : AppSettings
- PublicChannels : ChatClient
- Publish : ChatOperationCode
- PublishMessage() : ChatClient
- PublishSubscribers : ChannelCreationOptions , ChatChannel
- PublishUserId : ParameterCode , RoomOptions
- PunVersion : PhotonNetwork