Photon Unity Networking 2
Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- i -
- Id : CellTreeNode
- Info : ParameterCode
- InLobby : PhotonNetwork , LoadBalancingClient
- InRoom : PhotonNetwork , LoadBalancingClient
- instance : PlayerNumbering
- Instantiate() : DefaultPool , IPunPrefabPool
- InstantiationData : PhotonView
- InterestGroup : RaiseEventOptions
- InternalCacheProperties() : Player
- InternalServerError : ErrorCode
- InvalidAuthentication : ErrorCode
- InvalidEncryptionParameters : ErrorCode
- InvalidOperation : ErrorCode
- InvalidOperationCode : ErrorCode
- InvalidRegion : ErrorCode
- Invisible : ChatUserStatus
- IsAppId() : ServerSettings
- IsBestRegion : AppSettings
- IsComingBack : ParameterCode
- IsCompletedByAll : PunTurnManager
- IsConnected : PhotonNetwork , LoadBalancingClient
- IsConnectedAndReady : PhotonNetwork , LoadBalancingClient
- IsDefaultNameServer : AppSettings
- IsDefaultPort : AppSettings
- IsFetchingFriendList : LoadBalancingClient
- IsFinishedByMe : PunTurnManager
- IsInactive : ActorProperties , ParameterCode , Player
- IsLocal : Player
- IsMasterClient : PhotonNetwork , Player
- IsMasterServerAddress : AppSettings
- IsMessageQueueRunning : PhotonNetwork
- IsMine : PhotonView
- IsOpen : GamePropertyKey , Room
- isOpen : RoomInfo
- IsOpen : RoomInfo , RoomOptions
- IsOver : PunTurnManager
- IsPointInsideCell() : CellTreeNode
- IsPointNearCell() : CellTreeNode
- IsPrivate : ChatChannel
- IsReading : PhotonStream
- IsSceneView : PhotonView
- IsUsingNameServer : LoadBalancingClient
- IsVisible : GamePropertyKey , Room
- isVisible : RoomInfo
- IsVisible : RoomInfo , RoomOptions
- IsWriting : PhotonStream