Filter saving


Save and restore filter settings

On the right of the filter result list there's a small button which toggles a list. In this list you can save filter settings.

With the "Save Filter" button you can add the current filter settings to the list. So can recall the filter when you need it later by double-clicking an entry.

The state of the list (hidden/visible) is stored in the persistence settings of each log file.

Auto start

If the "Auto start" option is checked, the filter search will start immediately when the filter is restored.

This is a global option which is saved in the settings of LogExpert.

Auto hide

If the "Auto hide" option is checked, the list with the saved filters will be hidden after loading a filter setting from the list.

This is a global option which is saved in the settings of LogExpert.

Change color

By right-clicking an entry you can change the color of the entry in the list. This doesn't affect the filtering in any way. But it's useful for a better overview when your filter list has many entries: