


The new persistence feature added with LogExpert 1.2 allows you to restore the state of work with LogExpert. The following data is saved in/restored from the persistence file:

·      Bookmarks and bookmark comments

·      Added rowheights ("blank lines" added with the Enter key)

·      Tab name

·      Columnizer

·      Current selected line

·      Scroll position

·      Follow tail state (on/off)

·      Filter window state (on/off/advanced) and size

·      Bookmark window state (on/off) and size

·      Filter settings

·      All filter tabs

So make shure to enable the automatic persistence saving in the settings to get most fun with LogExpert.

When loading a log file LogExpert looks for the appropriate persistence file too. If found, it will be loaded and used. You can choose a location for the persistence files in the settings.