

'eminus' context menu plugin

Since version 1.2 LogExpert has a plugin API to provide additional functions. There's one default plugin shipped with LogExpert: It's called 'eminus'. The plugin is able to parse log lines for valid Java stack trace entries. If a valid stack trace entry is found, the plugin sends the Java class name and the line number via TCP/IP to it's counterpart: The eminus Eclipse plugin. The Eclipse plugin will load the class into the Eclipse code editor and locate to the given line.

The Eclipse plugin can be downloaded from the LogExpert website.


In the LogExpert settings you can configure the eminus plugin. Normally you will use the localhost IP address ( and a port which is not used by other applications on your computer. If you want to remote-control an Eclipse IDE running on another computer you can configure its IP address. A password is required if you have set a password in the eminus settings in your Eclipse IDE. This is usefull to prevent your team-mates from remote-controlling your Eclipse IDE. :)

How to use

Right-click on a log line with a Java stack trace entry to bring up the context menu. the menu entry 'Load class in Eclipse' is available if a valid stack trace entry is found.

eminus Eclipse plugin

Copy the eminus plugin (a jar file) into the dropins folder (or plugins folder) of your Eclipse installation.

You can configure the plugin in the Eclipse preferences:

To activate the plugin, you have to check the eminus toolbar button. If the button is not active the plugin won't listen for TCP/IP messages.


The eminus Eclipse plugin is written by Mathias Dräger. He also does a lot of beta testing for LogExpert since the very early development phase.