5250 Data Transfer Wizard—PC File Setup Page


5250 Data Transfer Wizard—PC File Setup Page

PC File Name—Type a complete path to the destination file on your PC. Click Browse to search for it.

File Type—Select the type of file to send to the PC. Choose the No Conversion option to send or receive binary data.

Truncate Trailing Spaces—Remove trailing spaces in any fields in the file being transferred to the PC. This saves disk space on your PC.

Include Column Titles—Select this option if you want column heading information included in the file.

If PC File Exists—From the drop-down list, select the action that the wizard will take when it attempts to create a destination file that already exists on the PC.

Field Format—Open the Field Format Options dialog box, which lets you specify how to format any date, time, or decimal fields in the file being transferred.

  The options in the PC File Setup page depend upon whether you are transferring files to a host or from a host.

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Field Format Options Dialog Box