5250 Data Transfer Wizard—Host File Setup Page


5250 Data Transfer Wizard—Host File Setup Page

Library/File (Member)—Type the path to a destination library/file (member) on the AS/400. Click Browse to search for one in the Host Files dialog box.

Host Objects—Indicate how and where the wizard places the uploaded data. Your selection affects the availability of other options in this dialog box.

Authority—Set the permissions on the destination file.

Member Text—Type a description of the AS/400 member. When you browse for host members in the expanded view of the host tree, this text appears as a pop-up ToolTip when you rest the cursor on the selected member.

File Text—Type a description of the AS/400 file. When you browse for files in the expanded view of the host tree, this text appears as a pop-up ToolTip when you rest the cursor on the selected library/file.

Host File Type—Select the type of file to create on the AS/400. Select Data for a database file. Select Source for a text file. The wizard then inserts the entire PC file into the SRC DTA field in the AS/400 file (member).

Record Length—Type the record length of the AS/400 (member).

Host Field Reference File—Type the path to a file that acts as a template for the destination file. Click Browse to search for one. This option is available when you select Create File And Member from the AS/400 Objects list. The reference file provides table and column formats, and other attributes of the destination file.

  You can use the Execute button to perform a transfer at any stage of the wizard process. The Execute button becomes available when you have provided the minimum information required to perform a transfer.

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5250 Data Transfer Wizard—PC File Setup Page