Naming Conventions for Windows Registry Keys
The following naming conventions should be used when specifying Windows registry keys and values in the Custom Action Properties dialog box of the Deployment Wizard.
Registry Keys When specifying a registry key in the Key To Check box, make sure that you use the following convention for the registry path:
- RegistryHive\RemainingRegistryPath
- RegistryHive is one of the following supported registry hives:
- RemainingRegistryPath is the series of nested keys that follows the registry hive.
For example, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ProgramA.
Registry Values When specifying a registry value in the Value To Query and Compare To boxes of the Custom Action Properties dialog box, make sure that you use the following convention:
- RegistryHive\RemainingRegistryPath\Value
- RegistryHive is one of the following supported registry hives:
- RemainingRegistryPath is the series of nested keys that follows the registry hive.
- Value is the contents contained within the last key in the nested hierarchy of registry keys.
For example, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ProgramA\Version.