Socket APIs: Ethernet/W5100/w5100.h File Reference

Wiznet Socket API

w5100.h File Reference

W5100 HAL Header File. More...

#include <stdint.h> #include "wizchip_conf.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define _WIZCHIP_SN_BASE_   (0x0400)
#define _WIZCHIP_SN_SIZE_   (0x0100)
#define _WIZCHIP_IO_TXBUF_   (0x4000) /* Internal Tx buffer address of the iinchip */
#define _WIZCHIP_IO_RXBUF_   (0x6000) /* Internal Rx buffer address of the iinchip */
#define WIZCHIP_CREG_BLOCK   0x00
 Common register block. More...
 Socket N register block. More...
 Increase offset address. More...
#define _W5100_IO_BASE_   _WIZCHIP_IO_BASE_
 The defined for legacy chip driver. More...
 The defined for legacy chip driver. More...
 The defined for legacy chip driver. More...
 The defined for legacy chip driver. More...
#define MR   (_WIZCHIP_IO_BASE_ + (0x0000))
 Mode Register address(R/W)
MR is used for S/W reset, ping block mode, PPPoE mode and etc. More...
#define GAR   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + (0x0001))
 Gateway IP Register address(R/W) More...
#define SUBR   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + (0x0005))
 Subnet mask Register address(R/W) More...
#define SHAR   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + (0x0009))
 Source MAC Register address(R/W) More...
#define SIPR   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + (0x000F))
 Source IP Register address(R/W) More...
#define IR   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + (0x0015))
 Interrupt Register(R/W) More...
#define _IMR_   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + (0x0016))
 Socket Interrupt Mask Register(R/W) More...
#define _RTR_   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + (0x0017))
 Timeout register address( 1 is 100us )(R/W) More...
#define _RCR_   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + (0x0019))
 Retry count register(R/W) More...
#define RMSR   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + (0x001A))
#define TMSR   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + (0x001B))
#define PATR   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + (0x001C))
 PPP LCP Request Timer register in PPPoE mode(R) More...
#define PTIMER   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + (0x0028))
 PPP LCP Request Timer register in PPPoE mode(R) More...
#define PMAGIC   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + (0x0029))
 PPP LCP Magic number register in PPPoE mode(R) More...
#define UIPR0   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + (0x002A))
#define UPORT0   (_W5100_IO_BASE + (0x002E))
#define Sn_MR(sn)   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + WIZCHIP_SREG_BLOCK(sn) + (0x0000))
 socket Mode register(R/W) More...
#define Sn_CR(sn)   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + WIZCHIP_SREG_BLOCK(sn) + (0x0001))
 Socket command register(R/W) More...
#define Sn_IR(sn)   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + WIZCHIP_SREG_BLOCK(sn) + (0x0002))
 Socket interrupt register(R) More...
#define Sn_SR(sn)   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + WIZCHIP_SREG_BLOCK(sn) + (0x0003))
 Socket status register(R) More...
#define Sn_PORT(sn)   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + WIZCHIP_SREG_BLOCK(sn) + (0x0004))
 source port register(R/W) More...
#define Sn_DHAR(sn)   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + WIZCHIP_SREG_BLOCK(sn) + (0x0006))
 Peer MAC register address(R/W) More...
#define Sn_DIPR(sn)   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + WIZCHIP_SREG_BLOCK(sn) + (0x000C))
 Peer IP register address(R/W) More...
#define Sn_DPORT(sn)   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + WIZCHIP_SREG_BLOCK(sn) + (0x0010))
 Peer port register address(R/W) More...
#define Sn_MSSR(sn)   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + WIZCHIP_SREG_BLOCK(sn) + (0x0012))
 Maximum Segment Size(Sn_MSSR0) register address(R/W) More...
#define Sn_PROTO(sn)   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + WIZCHIP_SREG_BLOCK(sn) + (0x0014))
 IP Protocol(PROTO) Register(R/W) More...
#define Sn_TOS(sn)   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + WIZCHIP_SREG_BLOCK(sn) + 0x0015)
 IP Type of Service(TOS) Register(R/W) More...
#define Sn_TTL(sn)   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + WIZCHIP_SREG_BLOCK(sn) + (0x0016))
 IP Time to live(TTL) Register(R/W) More...
#define Sn_TX_FSR(sn)   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + WIZCHIP_SREG_BLOCK(sn) + (0x0020))
 Transmit free memory size register(R) More...
#define Sn_TX_RD(sn)   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + WIZCHIP_SREG_BLOCK(sn) + (0x0022))
 Transmit memory read pointer register address(R) More...
#define Sn_TX_WR(sn)   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + WIZCHIP_SREG_BLOCK(sn) + (0x0024))
 Transmit memory write pointer register address(R/W) More...
#define Sn_RX_RSR(sn)   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + WIZCHIP_SREG_BLOCK(sn) + (0x0026))
 Received data size register(R) More...
#define Sn_RX_RD(sn)   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + WIZCHIP_SREG_BLOCK(sn) + (0x0028))
 Read point of Receive memory(R/W) More...
#define Sn_RX_WR(sn)   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + WIZCHIP_SREG_BLOCK(sn) + (0x002A))
 Write point of Receive memory(R) More...
#define MR_RST   0x80
 Reset. More...
#define MR_PB   0x10
 Ping block. More...
#define MR_PPPOE   0x08
 Enable PPPoE. More...
#define MR_AI   0x02
 Address Auto-Increment in Indirect Bus Interface. More...
#define MR_IND   0x01
 Indirect Bus Interface mode. More...
#define IR_CONFLICT   0x80
 Check IP conflict. More...
#define IR_UNREACH   0x40
 Get the destination unreachable message in UDP sending. More...
#define IR_PPPoE   0x20
 Get the PPPoE close message. More...
#define IR_SOCK(sn)   (0x01 << sn)
 check socket interrupt More...
#define Sn_MR_CLOSE   0x00
 Unused socket. More...
#define Sn_MR_TCP   0x01
 TCP. More...
#define Sn_MR_UDP   0x02
 UDP. More...
#define Sn_MR_IPRAW   0x03
#define Sn_MR_MACRAW   0x04
#define Sn_MR_PPPoE   0x05
 PPPoE. More...
#define Sn_MR_ND   0x20
 No Delayed Ack(TCP), Multicast flag. More...
#define Sn_MR_MC   Sn_MR_ND
 Support UDP Multicasting. More...
#define Sn_MR_MF   0x40
 MAC filter enable in Sn_MR_MACRAW mode. More...
#define Sn_MR_MFEN   Sn_MR_MF
#define Sn_MR_MULTI   0x80
 Support UDP Multicasting. More...
#define Sn_CR_OPEN   0x01
 Initialize or open socket. More...
#define Sn_CR_LISTEN   0x02
 Wait connection request in TCP mode(Server mode) More...
#define Sn_CR_CONNECT   0x04
 Send connection request in TCP mode(Client mode) More...
#define Sn_CR_DISCON   0x08
 Send closing request in TCP mode. More...
#define Sn_CR_CLOSE   0x10
 Close socket. More...
#define Sn_CR_SEND   0x20
 Update TX buffer pointer and send data. More...
#define Sn_CR_SEND_MAC   0x21
 Send data with MAC address, so without ARP process. More...
#define Sn_CR_SEND_KEEP   0x22
 Send keep alive message. More...
#define Sn_CR_RECV   0x40
 Update RX buffer pointer and receive data. More...
#define Sn_CR_PCON   0x23
 PPPoE connection. More...
#define Sn_CR_PDISCON   0x24
 Closes PPPoE connection. More...
#define Sn_CR_PCR   0x25
 REQ message transmission. More...
#define Sn_CR_PCN   0x26
 NAK massage transmission. More...
#define Sn_CR_PCJ   0x27
 REJECT message transmission. More...
#define Sn_IR_PRECV   0x80
 PPP Receive Interrupt. More...
#define Sn_IR_PFAIL   0x40
 PPP Fail Interrupt. More...
#define Sn_IR_PNEXT   0x20
 PPP Next Phase Interrupt. More...
#define Sn_IR_SENDOK   0x10
 SEND_OK Interrupt. More...
#define Sn_IR_TIMEOUT   0x08
 TIMEOUT Interrupt. More...
#define Sn_IR_RECV   0x04
 RECV Interrupt. More...
#define Sn_IR_DISCON   0x02
 DISCON Interrupt. More...
#define Sn_IR_CON   0x01
 CON Interrupt. More...
#define SOCK_CLOSED   0x00
 Closed. More...
#define SOCK_INIT   0x13
 Initiate state. More...
#define SOCK_LISTEN   0x14
 Listen state. More...
#define SOCK_SYNSENT   0x15
 Connection state. More...
#define SOCK_SYNRECV   0x16
 Connection state. More...
#define SOCK_ESTABLISHED   0x17
 Success to connect. More...
#define SOCK_FIN_WAIT   0x18
 Closing state. More...
#define SOCK_CLOSING   0x1A
 Closing state. More...
#define SOCK_TIME_WAIT   0x1B
 Closing state. More...
#define SOCK_CLOSE_WAIT   0x1C
 Closing state. More...
#define SOCK_LAST_ACK   0x1D
 Closing state. More...
#define SOCK_UDP   0x22
 UDP socket. More...
#define SOCK_IPRAW   0x32
 IP raw mode socket. More...
#define SOCK_MACRAW   0x42
 MAC raw mode socket. More...
#define SOCK_PPPOE   0x5F
 PPPoE mode socket. More...
#define IPPROTO_IP   0
 Dummy for IP. More...
#define IPPROTO_ICMP   1
 Control message protocol. More...
#define IPPROTO_IGMP   2
 Internet group management protocol. More...
#define IPPROTO_GGP   3
 GW^2 (deprecated) More...
#define IPPROTO_TCP   6
 TCP. More...
#define IPPROTO_PUP   12
 PUP. More...
#define IPPROTO_UDP   17
 UDP. More...
#define IPPROTO_IDP   22
 XNS idp. More...
#define IPPROTO_ND   77
 UNOFFICIAL net disk protocol. More...
#define IPPROTO_RAW   255
 Raw IP packet. More...
 Enter a critical section. More...
 Exit a critical section. More...
#define setMR(mr)   (*((uint8_t*)MR) = mr)
 Set Mode Register. More...
#define getMR()   (*(uint8_t*)MR)
 Get MR. More...
#define setGAR(gar)   WIZCHIP_WRITE_BUF(GAR,gar,4)
 Set GAR. More...
#define getGAR(gar)   WIZCHIP_READ_BUF(GAR,gar,4)
 Get GAR. More...
#define setSUBR(subr)   WIZCHIP_WRITE_BUF(SUBR,subr,4)
 Set SUBR. More...
#define getSUBR(subr)   WIZCHIP_READ_BUF(SUBR, subr, 4)
 Get SUBR. More...
#define setSHAR(shar)   WIZCHIP_WRITE_BUF(SHAR, shar, 6)
 Set SHAR. More...
#define getSHAR(shar)   WIZCHIP_READ_BUF(SHAR, shar, 6)
 Get SHAR. More...
#define setSIPR(sipr)   WIZCHIP_WRITE_BUF(SIPR, sipr, 4)
 Set SIPR. More...
#define getSIPR(sipr)   WIZCHIP_READ_BUF(SIPR, sipr, 4)
 Get SIPR. More...
#define setIR(ir)   WIZCHIP_WRITE(IR, (ir & 0xA0))
 Set IR register. More...
#define getIR()   (WIZCHIP_READ(IR) & 0xA0)
 Get IR register. More...
#define setIMR(imr)   WIZCHIP_WRITE(_IMR_, imr)
 Set IMR register. More...
#define getIMR()   WIZCHIP_READ(_IMR_)
 Get IMR register. More...
#define setRTR(rtr)
 Set RTR register. More...
#define getRTR()   (((uint16_t)WIZCHIP_READ(_RTR_) << 8) + WIZCHIP_READ(WIZCHIP_OFFSET_INC(_RTR_,1)))
 Get RTR register. More...
#define setRCR(rcr)   WIZCHIP_WRITE(_RCR_, rcr)
 Set RCR register. More...
#define getRCR()   WIZCHIP_READ(_RCR_)
 Get RCR register. More...
#define setRMSR(rmsr)   WIZCHIP_WRITE(RMSR)
 Get RMSR register. More...
#define getRMSR()   WIZCHIP_READ()
 Get RMSR register. More...
#define setTMSR(rmsr)   WIZCHIP_WRITE(TMSR)
 Get TMSR register. More...
#define getPATR()   (((uint16_t)WIZCHIP_READ(PATR) << 8) + WIZCHIP_READ(WIZCHIP_OFFSET_INC(PATR,1)))
 Get TMSR register. More...
 Get PPPALGO register. More...
#define setPTIMER(ptimer)   WIZCHIP_WRITE(PTIMER, ptimer)
 Set PTIMER register. More...
 Get PTIMER register. More...
#define setPMAGIC(pmagic)   WIZCHIP_WRITE(PMAGIC, pmagic)
 Set PMAGIC register. More...
 Get PMAGIC register. More...
#define setSn_MR(sn, mr)   WIZCHIP_WRITE(Sn_MR(sn),mr)
 Set Sn_MR register. More...
#define getSn_MR(sn)   WIZCHIP_READ(Sn_MR(sn))
 Get Sn_MR register. More...
#define setSn_CR(sn, cr)   WIZCHIP_WRITE(Sn_CR(sn), cr)
 Set Sn_CR register. More...
#define getSn_CR(sn)   WIZCHIP_READ(Sn_CR(sn))
 Get Sn_CR register. More...
#define setSn_IR(sn, ir)   WIZCHIP_WRITE(Sn_IR(sn), ir)
 Set Sn_IR register. More...
#define getSn_IR(sn)   WIZCHIP_READ(Sn_IR(sn))
 Get Sn_IR register. More...
#define getSn_SR(sn)   WIZCHIP_READ(Sn_SR(sn))
 Get Sn_SR register. More...
#define setSn_PORT(sn, port)
 Set Sn_PORT register. More...
#define getSn_PORT(sn)   (((uint16_t)WIZCHIP_READ(Sn_PORT(sn)) << 8) + WIZCHIP_READ(WIZCHIP_OFFSET_INC(Sn_PORT(sn),1)))
 Get Sn_PORT register. More...
#define setSn_DHAR(sn, dhar)   WIZCHIP_WRITE_BUF(Sn_DHAR(sn), dhar, 6)
 Set Sn_DHAR register. More...
#define getSn_DHAR(sn, dhar)   WIZCHIP_READ_BUF(Sn_DHAR(sn), dhar, 6)
 Get Sn_DHAR register. More...
#define setSn_DIPR(sn, dipr)   WIZCHIP_WRITE_BUF(Sn_DIPR(sn), dipr, 4)
 Set Sn_DIPR register. More...
#define getSn_DIPR(sn, dipr)   WIZCHIP_READ_BUF(Sn_DIPR(sn), dipr, 4)
 Get Sn_DIPR register. More...
#define setSn_DPORT(sn, dport)
 Set Sn_DPORT register. More...
#define getSn_DPORT(sn)   (((uint16_t)WIZCHIP_READ(Sn_DPORT(sn)) << 8) + WIZCHIP_READ(WIZCHIP_OFFSET_INC(Sn_DPORT(sn),1)))
 Get Sn_DPORT register. More...
#define setSn_MSSR(sn, mss)
 Set Sn_MSSR register. More...
#define getSn_MSSR(sn)   (((uint16_t)WIZCHIP_READ(Sn_MSSR(sn)) << 8) + WIZCHIP_READ(WIZCHIP_OFFSET_INC(Sn_MSSR(sn),1)))
 Get Sn_MSSR register. More...
#define setSn_PROTO(sn, proto)   WIZCHIP_WRITE(Sn_TOS(sn), tos)
 Set Sn_PROTO register. More...
#define getSn_PROTO(sn)   WIZCHIP_READ(Sn_TOS(sn))
 Get Sn_PROTO register. More...
#define setSn_TOS(sn, tos)   WIZCHIP_WRITE(Sn_TOS(sn), tos)
 Set Sn_TOS register. More...
#define getSn_TOS(sn)   WIZCHIP_READ(Sn_TOS(sn))
 Get Sn_TOS register. More...
#define setSn_TTL(sn, ttl)   WIZCHIP_WRITE(Sn_TTL(sn), ttl)
 Set Sn_TTL register. More...
#define getSn_TTL(sn)   WIZCHIP_READ(Sn_TTL(sn))
 Get Sn_TTL register. More...
#define setSn_RXMEM_SIZE(sn, rxmemsize)   WIZCHIP_WRITE(RMSR, (WIZCHIP_READ(RMSR) & ~(0x03 << (2*sn))) | (rxmemsize << (2*sn)))
 Set Sn_RXMEM_SIZE register. More...
#define setSn_RXBUF_SIZE(sn, rxmemsize)   setSn_RXMEM_SIZE(sn,rxmemsize)
#define getSn_RXMEM_SIZE(sn)   ((WIZCHIP_READ(RMSR) & (0x03 << (2*sn))) >> (2*sn))
 Get Sn_RXMEM_SIZE register. More...
#define getSn_RXBUF_SIZE(sn)   getSn_RXMEM_SIZE(sn)
#define setSn_TXMEM_SIZE(sn, txmemsize)   WIZCHIP_WRITE(TMSR, (WIZCHIP_READ(TMSR) & ~(0x03 << (2*sn))) | (txmemsize << (2*sn)))
 Set Sn_TXMEM_SIZE register. More...
#define setSn_TXBUF_SIZE(sn, txmemsize)   setSn_TXMEM_SIZE(sn,txmemsize)
#define getSn_TXMEM_SIZE(sn)   ((WIZCHIP_READ(TMSR) & (0x03 << (2*sn))) >> (2*sn))
 Get Sn_TXMEM_SIZE register. More...
#define getSn_TXBUF_SIZE(sn)   getSn_TXMEM_SIZE(sn)
#define getSn_TX_RD(sn)   (((uint16_t)WIZCHIP_READ(Sn_TX_RD(sn)) << 8) + WIZCHIP_READ(WIZCHIP_OFFSET_INC(Sn_TX_RD(sn),1)))
 Get Sn_TX_RD register. More...
#define setSn_TX_WR(sn, txwr)
 Set Sn_TX_WR register. More...
#define getSn_TX_WR(sn)   (((uint16_t)WIZCHIP_READ(Sn_TX_WR(sn)) << 8) + WIZCHIP_READ(WIZCHIP_OFFSET_INC(Sn_TX_WR(sn),1)))
 Get Sn_TX_WR register. More...
#define setSn_RX_RD(sn, rxrd)
 Set Sn_RX_RD register. More...
#define getSn_RX_RD(sn)   (((uint16_t)WIZCHIP_READ(Sn_RX_RD(sn)) << 8) + WIZCHIP_READ(WIZCHIP_OFFSET_INC(Sn_RX_RD(sn),1)))
 Get Sn_RX_RD register. More...
#define setSn_RX_WR(sn, rxwr)
 Set Sn_RX_WR register. More...
#define getSn_RX_WR(sn)   (((uint16_t)WIZCHIP_READ(Sn_RX_WR(sn)) << 8) + WIZCHIP_READ(WIZCHIP_OFFSET_INC(Sn_RX_WR(sn),1)))
 Get Sn_RX_WR register. More...
#define setSn_FRAG(sn, frag)
 Set Sn_FRAG register. More...
#define getSn_FRAG(sn)   (((uint16_t)WIZCHIP_READ(Sn_FRAG(sn)) << 8) + WIZCHIP_READ(WIZCHIP_OFFSET_INC(Sn_FRAG(sn),1)))
 Get Sn_FRAG register. More...
#define getSn_RxMAX(sn)   ((uint16_t)(1 << getSn_RXMEM_SIZE(sn)) << 10)
 Get the max RX buffer size of socket sn. More...
#define getSn_TxMAX(sn)   ((uint16_t)(1 << getSn_TXMEM_SIZE(sn)) << 10)
 Get the max TX buffer size of socket sn. More...
#define getSn_RxMASK(sn)   (getSn_RxMAX(sn) - 1)
 Get the mask of socket sn RX buffer. More...
#define getSn_TxMASK(sn)   (getSn_TxMAX(sn) - 1)
 Get the mask of socket sn TX buffer. More...


uint8_t WIZCHIP_READ (uint32_t AddrSel)
 It reads 1 byte value from a register. More...
void WIZCHIP_WRITE (uint32_t AddrSel, uint8_t wb)
 It writes 1 byte value to a register. More...
void WIZCHIP_READ_BUF (uint32_t AddrSel, uint8_t *pBuf, uint16_t len)
 It reads sequence data from registers. More...
void WIZCHIP_WRITE_BUF (uint32_t AddrSel, uint8_t *pBuf, uint16_t len)
 It writes sequence data to registers. More...
uint16_t getSn_TX_FSR (uint8_t sn)
 Get Sn_TX_FSR register. More...
uint16_t getSn_RX_RSR (uint8_t sn)
 Get Sn_RX_RSR register. More...
uint32_t getSn_RxBASE (uint8_t sn)
 Get the base address of socket sn RX buffer. More...
uint32_t getSn_TxBASE (uint8_t sn)
 Get the base address of socket sn TX buffer. More...
void wiz_send_data (uint8_t sn, uint8_t *wizdata, uint16_t len)
 It copies data to internal TX memory. More...
void wiz_recv_data (uint8_t sn, uint8_t *wizdata, uint16_t len)
 It copies data to your buffer from internal RX memory. More...
void wiz_recv_ignore (uint8_t sn, uint16_t len)
 It discard the received data in RX memory. More...

Detailed Description

W5100 HAL Header File.

Revision history
<2013/10/21> 1st Release

Copyright (c) 2013, WIZnet Co., LTD. All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 

notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

  • Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  • Neither the name of the <ORGANIZATION> nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


Definition in file w5100.h.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define _WIZCHIP_SN_BASE_   (0x0400)

Definition at line 50 of file w5100.h.

#define _WIZCHIP_SN_SIZE_   (0x0100)

Definition at line 51 of file w5100.h.

#define _WIZCHIP_IO_TXBUF_   (0x4000) /* Internal Tx buffer address of the iinchip */

Definition at line 52 of file w5100.h.

#define _WIZCHIP_IO_RXBUF_   (0x6000) /* Internal Rx buffer address of the iinchip */

Definition at line 53 of file w5100.h.

#define WIZCHIP_CREG_BLOCK   0x00

Common register block.

Definition at line 56 of file w5100.h.


Socket N register block.

Definition at line 57 of file w5100.h.

)    (ADDR + N)

Increase offset address.

Definition at line 59 of file w5100.h.

#define _W5100_IO_BASE_   _WIZCHIP_IO_BASE_

Definition at line 62 of file w5100.h.


The defined for legacy chip driver.

Definition at line 76 of file w5100.h.


The defined for legacy chip driver.

Definition at line 77 of file w5100.h.


The defined for legacy chip driver.

Definition at line 78 of file w5100.h.


The defined for legacy chip driver.

Definition at line 79 of file w5100.h.

#define RMSR   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + (0x001A))

Definition at line 283 of file w5100.h.

#define TMSR   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + (0x001B))

Definition at line 284 of file w5100.h.

#define UIPR0   (_W5100_IO_BASE_ + (0x002A))

Definition at line 310 of file w5100.h.

#define UPORT0   (_W5100_IO_BASE + (0x002E))

Definition at line 311 of file w5100.h.

#define MR_RST   0x80


If this bit is All internal registers will be initialized. It will be automatically cleared as after S/W reset.reset

Definition at line 577 of file w5100.h.

Referenced by wizchip_sw_reset().

#define MR_PB   0x10

Ping block.

0 : Disable Ping block
1 : Enable Ping block
If the bit is it blocks the response to a ping block

Definition at line 586 of file w5100.h.

#define MR_PPPOE   0x08

Enable PPPoE.

0 : DisablePPPoE mode
1 : EnablePPPoE mode
If you use ADSL, this bit should be '1'.enable pppoe

Definition at line 594 of file w5100.h.

#define MR_AI   0x02

Address Auto-Increment in Indirect Bus Interface.

0 : Disable auto-increment
1 : Enable auto-incremente
At the Indirect Bus Interface mode, if this bit is set as ��1��, the address will be automatically increased by 1 whenever read and write are in indirect mode

Definition at line 603 of file w5100.h.

#define MR_IND   0x01

Indirect Bus Interface mode.

0 : Disable Indirect bus Interface mode
1 : Enable Indirect bus Interface mode
If this bit is set as ��1��, Indirect Bus Interface mode is set.enable indirect mode

Definition at line 611 of file w5100.h.

Referenced by wizchip_sw_reset().

#define IR_CONFLICT   0x80

Check IP conflict.

Bit is set as when own source IP address is same with the sender IP address in the received ARP request.check ip confict

Definition at line 618 of file w5100.h.

#define IR_UNREACH   0x40

Get the destination unreachable message in UDP sending.

When receiving the ICMP (Destination port unreachable) packet, this bit is set as When this bit is Destination Information such as IP address and Port number may be checked with the corresponding UIPR & UPORTR.check destination unreachable

Definition at line 625 of file w5100.h.

#define IR_PPPoE   0x20

Get the PPPoE close message.

When PPPoE is disconnected during PPPoE mode, this bit is set.get the PPPoE close message

Definition at line 631 of file w5100.h.

#define IR_SOCK (   sn)    (0x01 << sn)

check socket interrupt

Definition at line 633 of file w5100.h.

#define Sn_MR_CLOSE   0x00

Unused socket.

This configures the protocol mode of Socket n.unused socket

Definition at line 642 of file w5100.h.

#define Sn_MR_TCP   0x01


This configures the protocol mode of Socket n.TCP

Definition at line 648 of file w5100.h.

Referenced by close(), connect(), disconnect(), getsockopt(), listen(), recv(), send(), setsockopt(), and socket().

#define Sn_MR_UDP   0x02


This configures the protocol mode of Socket n.UDP

Definition at line 654 of file w5100.h.

Referenced by close(), recvfrom(), sendto(), and socket().

#define Sn_MR_IPRAW   0x03


Definition at line 655 of file w5100.h.

Referenced by recvfrom(), and socket().

#define Sn_MR_MACRAW   0x04


This configures the protocol mode of Socket n.

MACRAW mode should be only used in Socket 0.MAC LAYER RAW SOCK

Definition at line 662 of file w5100.h.

Referenced by recvfrom(), sendto(), and socket().

#define Sn_MR_PPPoE   0x05


This configures the protocol mode of Socket n.

PPPoE mode should be only used in Socket 0.PPPoE

Definition at line 669 of file w5100.h.

Referenced by recvfrom(), and socket().

#define Sn_MR_ND   0x20

No Delayed Ack(TCP), Multicast flag.

0 : Disable No Delayed ACK option
1 : Enable No Delayed ACK option
This bit is applied only during TCP mode (P[3:0] = 001).
When this bit is It sends the ACK packet without delay as soon as a Data packet is received from a peer.
When this bit is It sends the ACK packet after waiting for the timeout time configured by RTR.No Delayed Ack(TCP) flag

Definition at line 679 of file w5100.h.

#define Sn_MR_MC   Sn_MR_ND

Support UDP Multicasting.

0 : using IGMP version 2
1 : using IGMP version 1
This bit is applied only during UDP mode(P[3:0] = 010 and MULTI = '1') It configures the version for IGMP messages (Join/Leave/Report).Select IGMP version 1(0) or 2(1)

Definition at line 688 of file w5100.h.

#define Sn_MR_MF   0x40

MAC filter enable in Sn_MR_MACRAW mode.

0 : disable MAC Filtering
1 : enable MAC Filtering
This bit is applied only during MACRAW mode(P[3:0] = 100.
When set as W5100 can only receive broadcasting packet or packet sent to itself. When this bit is W5100 can receive all packets on Ethernet. If user wants to implement Hybrid TCP/IP stack, it is recommended that this bit is set as for reducing host overhead to process the all received packets.Use MAC filter

Definition at line 700 of file w5100.h.

#define Sn_MR_MFEN   Sn_MR_MF

Definition at line 701 of file w5100.h.

#define Sn_MR_MULTI   0x80

Support UDP Multicasting.

0 : disable Multicasting
1 : enable Multicasting
This bit is applied only during UDP mode(P[3:0] = 010).
To use multicasting, Sn_DIPR & Sn_DPORT should be respectively configured with the multicast group IP address & port number before Socket n is opened by OPEN command of multicating

Definition at line 713 of file w5100.h.

#define Sn_CR_OPEN   0x01

Initialize or open socket.

Socket n is initialized and opened according to the protocol selected in Sn_MR(P3:P0). The table below shows the value of Sn_SR corresponding to Sn_MR.

Sn_MR (P[3:0]) Sn_SR
Sn_MR_CLOSE (000)
Sn_MR_TCP (001) SOCK_INIT (0x13)
Sn_MR_UDP (010) SOCK_UDP (0x22)
S0_MR_IPRAW (011) SOCK_IPRAW (0x32)
S0_MR_PPPoE (101) SOCK_PPPoE (0x5F)

initialize or open socket

Definition at line 730 of file w5100.h.

Referenced by close(), and socket().

#define Sn_CR_LISTEN   0x02

Wait connection request in TCP mode(Server mode)

This is valid only in TCP mode (Sn_MR(P3:P0) = Sn_MR_TCP).// In this mode, Socket n operates as a 'TCP server' and waits for connection-request (SYN packet) from any 'TCP client'.// The Sn_SR changes the state from SOCK_INIT to SOCKET_LISTEN.// When a 'TCP client' connection request is successfully established, the Sn_SR changes from SOCK_LISTEN to SOCK_ESTABLISHED and the Sn_IR(0) becomes But when a 'TCP client' connection request is failed, Sn_IR(3) becomes and the status of Sn_SR changes to SOCK_CLOSED.wait connection request in tcp mode(Server mode)

Definition at line 741 of file w5100.h.

Referenced by listen().

#define Sn_CR_CONNECT   0x04

Send connection request in TCP mode(Client mode)

To connect, a connect-request (SYN packet) is sent to TCP serverconfigured by Sn_DIPR & Sn_DPORT(destination address & port). If the connect-request is successful, the Sn_SR is changed to SOCK_ESTABLISHED and the Sn_IR(0) becomes

The connect-request fails in the following three cases.

  1. When a ARPTO occurs (Sn_IR[3] = '1') because destination hardware address is not acquired through the ARP-process.
  2. When a SYN/ACK packet is not received and TCPTO (Sn_IR(3) ='1')
  3. When a RST packet is received instead of a SYN/ACK packet. In these cases, Sn_SR is changed to SOCK_CLOSED.
    This is valid only in TCP mode and operates when Socket n acts as TCP clientsend connection request in tcp mode(Client mode)

Definition at line 753 of file w5100.h.

Referenced by connect().

#define Sn_CR_DISCON   0x08

Send closing request in TCP mode.

Regardless of TCP serveror TCP client the DISCON command processes the disconnect-process (Active closeor Passive close.

Active close
it transmits disconnect-request(FIN packet) to the connected peer
Passive close
When FIN packet is received from peer, a FIN packet is replied back to the peer.

When the disconnect-process is successful (that is, FIN/ACK packet is received successfully), Sn_SR is changed to SOCK_CLOSED.
Otherwise, TCPTO occurs (Sn_IR(3)='1') and then Sn_SR is changed to SOCK_CLOSED.

Valid only in TCP mode.send closing reqeuset in tcp mode

Definition at line 766 of file w5100.h.

Referenced by disconnect().

#define Sn_CR_CLOSE   0x10

Close socket.

Sn_SR is changed to SOCK_CLOSED.

Definition at line 772 of file w5100.h.

Referenced by close().

#define Sn_CR_SEND   0x20

Update TX buffer pointer and send data.

SEND transmits all the data in the Socket n TX buffer.
For more details, please refer to Socket n TX Free Size Register (Sn_TX_FSR), Socket n, TX Write Pointer Register(Sn_TX_WR), and Socket n TX Read Pointer Register(Sn_TX_RD).

Definition at line 780 of file w5100.h.

Referenced by send(), and sendto().

#define Sn_CR_SEND_MAC   0x21

Send data with MAC address, so without ARP process.

The basic operation is same as SEND.
Normally SEND transmits data after destination hardware address is acquired by the automatic ARP-process(Address Resolution Protocol).
But SEND_MAC transmits data without the automatic ARP-process.
In this case, the destination hardware address is acquired from Sn_DHAR configured by host, instead of APR-process.

Valid only in UDP mode.

Definition at line 790 of file w5100.h.

#define Sn_CR_SEND_KEEP   0x22

Send keep alive message.

It checks the connection status by sending 1byte keep-alive packet.
If the peer can not respond to the keep-alive packet during timeout time, the connection is terminated and the timeout interrupt will occur.

Valid only in TCP mode.

Definition at line 798 of file w5100.h.

Referenced by setsockopt().

#define Sn_CR_RECV   0x40

Update RX buffer pointer and receive data.

RECV completes the processing of the received data in Socket n RX Buffer by using a RX read pointer register (Sn_RX_RD).
For more details, refer to Socket n RX Received Size Register (Sn_RX_RSR), Socket n RX Write Pointer Register (Sn_RX_WR), and Socket n RX Read Pointer Register (Sn_RX_RD).

Definition at line 806 of file w5100.h.

Referenced by recv(), and recvfrom().

#define Sn_CR_PCON   0x23

PPPoE connection.

PPPoE connection begins by transmitting PPPoE discovery packet

Definition at line 812 of file w5100.h.

#define Sn_CR_PDISCON   0x24

Closes PPPoE connection.

Closes PPPoE connection

Definition at line 818 of file w5100.h.

#define Sn_CR_PCR   0x25

REQ message transmission.

In each phase, it transmits REQ message.

Definition at line 824 of file w5100.h.

#define Sn_CR_PCN   0x26

NAK massage transmission.

In each phase, it transmits NAK message.

Definition at line 830 of file w5100.h.

#define Sn_CR_PCJ   0x27

REJECT message transmission.

In each phase, it transmits REJECT message.

Definition at line 836 of file w5100.h.

#define Sn_IR_PRECV   0x80

PPP Receive Interrupt.

PPP Receive Interrupts when the option which is not supported is received.

Definition at line 843 of file w5100.h.

#define Sn_IR_PFAIL   0x40

PPP Fail Interrupt.

PPP Fail Interrupts when PAP Authentication is failed.

Definition at line 849 of file w5100.h.

#define Sn_IR_PNEXT   0x20

PPP Next Phase Interrupt.

PPP Next Phase Interrupts when the phase is changed during ADSL connection process.

Definition at line 855 of file w5100.h.

#define Sn_IR_SENDOK   0x10

SEND_OK Interrupt.

This is issued when SEND command is completed.complete sending

Definition at line 861 of file w5100.h.

Referenced by send(), and sendto().

#define Sn_IR_TIMEOUT   0x08

TIMEOUT Interrupt.

This is issued when ARPTO or TCPTO occurs.assert timeout

Definition at line 867 of file w5100.h.

Referenced by connect(), disconnect(), send(), sendto(), and setsockopt().

#define Sn_IR_RECV   0x04

RECV Interrupt.

This is issued whenever data is received from a peer.

Definition at line 873 of file w5100.h.

#define Sn_IR_DISCON   0x02

DISCON Interrupt.

This is issued when FIN or FIN/ACK packet is received from a peer.

Definition at line 879 of file w5100.h.

#define Sn_IR_CON   0x01

CON Interrupt.

This is issued one time when the connection with peer is successful and then Sn_SR is changed to SOCK_ESTABLISHED.

Definition at line 885 of file w5100.h.

#define SOCK_CLOSED   0x00


This indicates that Socket n is released.
When DICON, CLOSE command is ordered, or when a timeout occurs, it is changed to SOCK_CLOSED regardless of previous status.closed

Definition at line 893 of file w5100.h.

Referenced by close(), connect(), disconnect(), listen(), recvfrom(), sendto(), and socket().

#define SOCK_INIT   0x13

Initiate state.

This indicates Socket n is opened with TCP mode.
It is changed to SOCK_INIT when Sn_MR(P[3:0]) = 001)and OPEN command is ordered.
After SOCK_INIT, user can use LISTEN /CONNECT command.init state

Definition at line 901 of file w5100.h.

#define SOCK_LISTEN   0x14

Listen state.

This indicates Socket n is operating as TCP servermode and waiting for connection-request (SYN packet) from a peer (TCP client).
It will change to SOCK_ESTABLISHED when the connection-request is successfully accepted.
Otherwise it will change to SOCK_CLOSED after TCPTO occurred (Sn_IR(TIMEOUT) = '1').

Definition at line 909 of file w5100.h.

Referenced by listen().

#define SOCK_SYNSENT   0x15

Connection state.

This indicates Socket n sent the connect-request packet (SYN packet) to a peer.
It is temporarily shown when Sn_SR is changed from SOCK_INIT to SOCK_ESTABLISHED by CONNECT command.
If connect-accept(SYN/ACK packet) is received from the peer at SOCK_SYNSENT, it changes to SOCK_ESTABLISHED.
Otherwise, it changes to SOCK_CLOSED after TCPTO (Sn_IR[TIMEOUT] = '1') is occurred.

Definition at line 918 of file w5100.h.

#define SOCK_SYNRECV   0x16

Connection state.

It indicates Socket n successfully received the connect-request packet (SYN packet) from a peer.
If socket n sends the response (SYN/ACK packet) to the peer successfully, it changes to SOCK_ESTABLISHED.
If not, it changes to SOCK_CLOSED after timeout occurs (Sn_IR[TIMEOUT] = '1').

Definition at line 926 of file w5100.h.

#define SOCK_ESTABLISHED   0x17

Success to connect.

This indicates the status of the connection of Socket n.
It changes to SOCK_ESTABLISHED when the TCP SERVERprocessed the SYN packet from the TCP CLIENTduring SOCK_LISTEN, or when the CONNECT command is successful.
During SOCK_ESTABLISHED, DATA packet can be transferred using SEND or RECV command.

Definition at line 935 of file w5100.h.

Referenced by connect(), recv(), and send().

#define SOCK_FIN_WAIT   0x18

Closing state.

These indicate Socket n is closing.
These are shown in disconnect-process such as active-close and passive-close.
When Disconnect-process is successfully completed, or when timeout occurs, these change to SOCK_CLOSED.

Definition at line 943 of file w5100.h.

#define SOCK_CLOSING   0x1A

Closing state.

These indicate Socket n is closing.
These are shown in disconnect-process such as active-close and passive-close.
When Disconnect-process is successfully completed, or when timeout occurs, these change to SOCK_CLOSED.

Definition at line 951 of file w5100.h.

#define SOCK_TIME_WAIT   0x1B

Closing state.

These indicate Socket n is closing.
These are shown in disconnect-process such as active-close and passive-close.
When Disconnect-process is successfully completed, or when timeout occurs, these change to SOCK_CLOSED.

Definition at line 959 of file w5100.h.

#define SOCK_CLOSE_WAIT   0x1C

Closing state.

This indicates Socket n received the disconnect-request (FIN packet) from the connected peer.
This is half-closing status, and data can be transferred.
For full-closing, DISCON command is used. But For just-closing, Sn_CR_CLOSE command is used.

Definition at line 967 of file w5100.h.

Referenced by recv(), and send().

#define SOCK_LAST_ACK   0x1D

Closing state.

This indicates Socket n is waiting for the response (FIN/ACK packet) to the disconnect-request (FIN packet) by passive-close.
It changes to SOCK_CLOSED when Socket n received the response successfully, or when timeout occurs (Sn_IR[TIMEOUT] = '1').

Definition at line 974 of file w5100.h.

#define SOCK_UDP   0x22

UDP socket.

This indicates Socket n is opened in UDP mode(Sn_MR(P[3:0]) = 010).
It changes to SOCK_UDP when Sn_MR(P[3:0]) = 010 and Sn_CR_OPEN command is ordered.
Unlike TCP mode, data can be transfered without the connection-process.udp socket

Definition at line 982 of file w5100.h.

Referenced by close(), and sendto().

#define SOCK_IPRAW   0x32

IP raw mode socket.

TThe socket is opened in IPRAW mode. The SOCKET status is change to SOCK_IPRAW when Sn_MR (P3:P0) is Sn_MR_IPRAW and Sn_CR_OPEN command is used.
IP Packet can be transferred without a connection similar to the UDP mode.ip raw mode socket

Definition at line 990 of file w5100.h.

#define SOCK_MACRAW   0x42

MAC raw mode socket.

This indicates Socket 0 is opened in MACRAW mode (Sn_MR(P[3:0]) = '100' and n=0) and is valid only in Socket 0.
It changes to SOCK_MACRAW when Sn_MR(P[3:0]) = '100' and Sn_CR_OPEN command is ordered.
Like UDP mode socket, MACRAW mode Socket 0 can transfer a MAC packet (Ethernet frame) without the connection-process.mac raw mode socket

Definition at line 998 of file w5100.h.

Referenced by sendto().

#define SOCK_PPPOE   0x5F

PPPoE mode socket.

It is the status that SOCKET0 is open as PPPoE mode. It is changed to SOCK_PPPoE in case of S0_CR=OPEN and S0_MR (P3:P0)=S0_MR_PPPoE.
It is temporarily used at the PPPoE connection.pppoe socket

Definition at line 1007 of file w5100.h.

#define IPPROTO_IP   0

Dummy for IP.

Definition at line 1010 of file w5100.h.

#define IPPROTO_ICMP   1

Control message protocol.

Definition at line 1011 of file w5100.h.

#define IPPROTO_IGMP   2

Internet group management protocol.

Definition at line 1012 of file w5100.h.

#define IPPROTO_GGP   3

GW^2 (deprecated)

Definition at line 1013 of file w5100.h.

#define IPPROTO_TCP   6


Definition at line 1014 of file w5100.h.

#define IPPROTO_PUP   12


Definition at line 1015 of file w5100.h.

#define IPPROTO_UDP   17


Definition at line 1016 of file w5100.h.

#define IPPROTO_IDP   22

XNS idp.

Definition at line 1017 of file w5100.h.

#define IPPROTO_ND   77

UNOFFICIAL net disk protocol.

Definition at line 1018 of file w5100.h.

#define IPPROTO_RAW   255

Raw IP packet.

Definition at line 1019 of file w5100.h.


Enter a critical section.

It is provided to protect your shared code which are executed without distribution.

In non-OS environment, It can be just implemented by disabling whole interrupt.
In OS environment, You can replace it to critical section api supported by OS.

See also

Definition at line 1032 of file w5100.h.


Exit a critical section.

It is provided to protect your shared code which are executed without distribution.

In non-OS environment, It can be just implemented by disabling whole interrupt.
In OS environment, You can replace it to critical section api supported by OS.

See also

Definition at line 1049 of file w5100.h.

#define setSn_RXBUF_SIZE (   sn,
)    setSn_RXMEM_SIZE(sn,rxmemsize)

Definition at line 1604 of file w5100.h.

Referenced by wizchip_init().

#define getSn_RXBUF_SIZE (   sn)    getSn_RXMEM_SIZE(sn)

Definition at line 1615 of file w5100.h.

#define setSn_TXBUF_SIZE (   sn,
)    setSn_TXMEM_SIZE(sn,txmemsize)

Definition at line 1626 of file w5100.h.

Referenced by wizchip_init().

#define getSn_TXBUF_SIZE (   sn)    getSn_TXMEM_SIZE(sn)

Definition at line 1637 of file w5100.h.

Generated on Wed May 4 2016 16:43:59 for Socket APIs by   doxygen