Separate Objects

NI Vision Assistant

Separate Objects

  1. Select Binary»Adv. Morphology or select Adv. Morphology in the Binary tab of the Processing Functions palette.
  2. Select Separate objects.
  3. Set the Size of the Structuring Element.
  4. Click the cells of the structuring element that you want to have a value of 0.
  5. Enter the number of erosions that you want the function to apply to the image in Iterations.
  6. Click OK to separate objects and add this step to the script.
  • The structuring element is a 2D array used as a binary mask. You can modify the structuring element by clicking its cells. If a cell is black, it has a value of 1. If a cell is white (empty), it has a value of 0.
  • This function is computer-intensive and can take several seconds to process.
Tip   Experiment with different coefficients and the Kernel Size to get the results you want.

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