Use Binary Functions

NI Vision Assistant

Use Binary Functions

This palette groups several image functions that analyze binary images.

Basic Morphology

Use this function to expand or reduce particles, smooth the particle borders, and isolate external or internal particle boundaries. You can use basic morphological transformations to prepare particles for quantitative analysis, to observe the geometry of regions, and to extract the simplest forms for modeling and identification.

Adv. Morphology

Use this function to fill holes in particles, remove particles that touch the border of the image, remove unwanted small and large particles, separate touching particles, find the convex hull of particles, and more.

Particle Filter

Use this function to remove or keep particles in an image as specified by the filter criteria.

Binary Image Inversion

Use this function to reverse the dynamic of an image, making the background pixels into particles and making particles into background pixels.

Shape Matching

Use this function to search an image for objects that have a shape similar to a template object.

Particle Analysis

Use this function to make shape measurements on particles in the image.

Circle Detection

Use this function to finds the center and radius of circular particles in an image.