Acquire Images in Color
- Click File»Acquire Image. Vision Assistant displays the Acquisition window.
- Click the appropriate acquisition step. The Devices window displays all NI image acquisition devices and channels or ports available for the computer.
- Select an image acquisition device in the Parameter window.
Notes - You must have an NI PCI/PXI-1411, NI PCI/PXI-1422, NI PCI-1424, NI PCI/PXI-1428, or NI PCIe-1430 device installed to acquire color images. The NI PCI/PXI-1422 and NI PCI-1424 must be attached to a color digital camera to acquire color images.
- Refer to the NI Vision Acquisition Software Release Notes for information about configuring the NI image acquisition device.
- Click the Acquire Single Image button, Acquire Continuous Image button, or Sequence Acquisition button.
- Process the images as you would any other image in Vision Assistant.