Acquire Images in Color

NI Vision Assistant

Acquire Images in Color

  1. Click File»Acquire Image. Vision Assistant displays the Acquisition window.
  2. Click the appropriate acquisition step. The Devices window displays all NI image acquisition devices and channels or ports available for the computer.
  3. Select an image acquisition device in the Parameter window.
    • You must have an NI PCI/PXI-1411, NI PCI/PXI-1422, NI PCI-1424, NI PCI/PXI-1428, or NI PCIe-1430 device installed to acquire color images. The NI PCI/PXI-1422 and NI PCI-1424 must be attached to a color digital camera to acquire color images.
    • Refer to the NI Vision Acquisition Software Release Notes for information about configuring the NI image acquisition device.
  4. Click the Acquire Single Image button, Acquire Continuous Image button, or Sequence Acquisition button.
  5. Process the images as you would any other image in Vision Assistant.

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