Image Acquisition in Vision Assistant

NI Vision Assistant

Image Acquisition in Vision Assistant

To start acquiring images, select File»Acquire Image or click Acquire Images. You can acquire live images in Vision Assistant with various National Instruments Smart Cameras, digital and analog frame grabbers, DCAM-compliant IEEE 1394 cameras, and Gigabit Ethernet (GigE) Vision cameras. For information about driver software, refer to the NI Vision Acquisition Software Release Notes.

If the computer does not have an image acquisition device, you can simulate a live acquisition with the Simulate Acquisition function. You can interact with the simulated acquisition as you would with a live acquisition.

Vision Assistant offers three types of acquisitions: snap, grab, and sequence.

  • A snap acquires and displays a single image.
  • A grab acquires and displays images in a continuous mode at maximum rate, which is useful when you need to focus the camera.
  • A sequence acquires images according to settings that you specify in the Sequence tab of the Acquisition Interface window and sends the images to the Image Browser.

Related Topics

Acquiring a sequence of images

Acquiring images in color

Grabbing an image (continuous image acquisition)

Snapping an image (single image acquisition)