Acquire Image Controls
NI Vision Assistant
Acquire Image Controls
Acquire Single Image—Acquires and displays a single image with the selected National Instruments image acquisition device. When you click this button, the step acquires and displays the next image provided by the camera. If you enabled the Triggered Acquisition control in the Trigger tab, the step waits for the next trigger signal to acquire and display an image.
Acquire Continuous Images—Acquires and displays images in continuous mode at maximum frame rate with the selected NI image acquisition device. When you click this button, the step starts the continuous acquisition and display of images. If you enabled the Triggered Acquisition control in the Trigger tab, the step waits for the next trigger signal to acquire and display a new image for each iteration. Click the button a second time to stop the continuous image acquisition. If you enabled the Triggered Acquisition control in the Trigger tab, the step waits for a last trigger or timeout before stopping the acquisition.
Sequence Acquisition—Acquires a sequence of images. You can choose to trigger the start of a sequence or to trigger each image of the sequence.
Store Acquired Image in Browser—Sends the last acquired image to the Image Browser.
Main Tab
- Devices—List of available NI image acquisition devices and channels or ports you can use to acquire an image.
Trigger Tab
- Triggered Acquisition—When enabled, you can synchronize an image acquisition with events external to the computer, such as receiving a pulse from a sensor that indicates the position of an item on an assembly line. The trigger signal must be connected to a trigger input of the image acquisition device. The trigger input lines of NI image acquisition devices expect TTL signals and are not isolated.
- Trigger Line—Specifies which external trigger line receives the incoming trigger signal.
- Polarity—Specifies if you start the acquisition of a new image on the rising or falling edge of the trigger signal.
- Timeout (ms)—Amount of time to wait for the trigger signal before returning a timeout error.