Save Images

NI Vision Assistant

Save Images

You can save one or several images you acquired and processed to separate image files, or you can create an AVI file containing a sequence of images.

  1. Click File»Save Image.
  2. Browse to the location to which you want to save the file and type the filename for the image.
  3. If you are saving a calibrated image and want to save the calibration information with the image, select Save Image Calibration.
  4. Select the File Format for the image.
    • If you have calibrated the image and enable the Save Image Calibration checkbox, only the PNG - Portable Network format is available in the File Format list.
    • If you select AVI - AVI Movie File from the File Format list, select a filter and a frame rate for the movie.
    • If you select JP2 - JPEG 2000 File Format from the File Format list, enable the Lossless checkbox if you want lossless compression, and specify a compression ratio.
  5. Click Save.
Note  When you save binary images, select Expand Dynamic of Binary Images to view the image pixels without using a binary palette.
  • You can save a collection of images using the All Images or From, To, Step options.
    • All Images saves each image in the Image Browser with the specified filename and a number describing its position in the Image Browser.
    • The From, To, Step option saves images starting with the From parameter and ending with the To parameter. Step specifies if you want to repetitively skip images in the Image Browser. For example, if you set From=2, To=10, and Step=2, Vision Assistant saves the second, fourth, sixth, eighth, and tenth images from the Image Browser.

Related Topics

Adding a processed image to the Image Browser

Browsing images in the Image Browser

Magnifying an image

Opening images in Vision Assistant

Printing an image

Removing an image from the Image Browser