Use Color Functions

NI Vision Assistant

Use Color Functions

This palette groups several image functions that analyze color images.

Color Operators

Use these functions to perform arithmetic and logical operations on color images. Common applications of these operators include time-delayed comparisons, identification of the union or intersection between images, correction of image backgrounds to eliminate light drifts, and comparisons between several images and a model. You also can use operators to threshold or mask images and to alter contrast and brightness.

Color Plane Extraction

Use this function to extract the RGB, HSV, and HSL planes from an image. The result of this function is a grayscale image with intensity values that correspond to the plane you extracted.

Color Threshold

Use this function to isolate color features for analysis and processing or to remove unnecessary features based on their color. The result of this function is a binary image.

Color Location

Use this function to locate regions in an image that contain a specified color. This function does not modify the image.

Color Pattern Matching

Use this function to locate color objects that match a predefined template. This function does not modify the image.

Color Matching

Use this function to compare the color content of an image or regions in an image to a template containing reference color information. This function does not modify the image.