Use Grayscale Functions

NI Vision Assistant

Use Grayscale Functions

This palette groups several image functions that analyze grayscale images.

Lookup Table

Use this function to improve the contrast and brightness in an image by applying a lookup table.


Use this function to enhance the quality of an image with spatial filters so that only the image information you need is extracted during processing.

Gray Morphology

Use this function to modify the shape of features in an image by altering pixel values.

FFT Filter

Use this function to remove high or low frequencies in the FFT plane. Removing high frequencies smooths noise, details, textures, and sharp edges. Removing low frequencies reduces overall patterns, such as variations in light intensity, and emphasizes details.


Use this function to separate significant structures in an image from the rest of the image. Thresholding sets all pixels within the Threshold Range to 1 and sets all other pixels in the image to 0. The resulting image is a binary image.


Use this function to segment an image containing noise, touching particles, or overlapping particles based on the topographic surface of an image.


Use this function to perform arithmetic and logical operations on grayscale images. Common applications of these operators include time-delayed comparisons, identification of the union or intersection between images, correction of image backgrounds to eliminate light drifts, and comparisons between several images and a model. You also can use operators to threshold or mask images and to alter contrast and brightness.


Use this function to convert the current image to the specific image type.


Use this function to quantify the content of an image or regions within the image.


Use this function to calculate the energy center of the image.