Read QR Codes in Images

NI Vision Assistant

Read QR Codes in Images

Use the QR Code Reader step to decode a QR code.

Main Tab

  1. In the Step Name control, enter a descriptive name for the step.
  2. Verify that the Reposition Region of Interest option is enabled if you want to link the region of interest specified in this step to a previously defined coordinate system.

    Link the region of interest to a coordinate system if the position of the object under inspection changes from image to image, and you need to adjust the position of the region of interest to match the new location of the object.

Basic Tab

Set the controls on the Basic tab to specify the shape of the QR code and to improve the performance of the step. Enable the Suggest Value? checkbox if you want the step to suggest values for the controls when you click the Suggest Values button.

Advanced Search Tab

Set the controls on the Advanced Search tab. Enable the Suggest Value? checkbox if you want the step to suggest values for the controls when you click the Suggest Values button.

Cell Sampling Tab

Set the controls on the Cell Sampling tab if the step cannot consistently read the matrix because of variations in lighting or matrix quality. Otherwise, use the default values for the controls on this tab.

The decoded characters read during the step are shown in the Code Read box.