PXI Summary


Other PXI Resource Classes and VISA

For certain applications, such as mapping triggers, it may be necessary to access the PXI chassis ("backplane") directly. VISA provides the BACKPLANE resource for this purpose, where each PXI chassis is accessed using the VISA resource string "PXI<system>::<chassis number>::BACKPLANE". The BACKPLANE resource encapsulates the operations and properties of each chassis in the PXI system, and lets a controller query and manipulate specific attributes of and lines on a specific chassis in a given PXI system. The operations viMapTrigger, viUnmapTrigger, and viAssertTrigger supported on this resource allow the user to map, unmap, reserve, or unreserve hardware trigger resources. The controller can also query attributes such as the manufacturer and model of a chassis. This includes advanced functionality that might not be available in all implementations or on all controllers.