Basic I/O Services


Basic I/O Services

The VISA Instrument Control Resource lets a controller interact with the device that it is associated with by providing the controller with services to do the following:

  • Send blocks of data to the device
  • Request blocks of data from the device
  • Send the device clear command to the device
  • Trigger the device
  • Find information about the status of the device
Note  For the ASRL INSTR and TCPIP SOCKET resources, the I/O protocol attribute must be set to VI_PROT_4882_STRS to use viReadSTB() and viAssertTrigger().

The following topics describe the operations provided by the VISA Instrument Control Resource for the Basic I/O Services.

Synchronous Read/Write Services

Asynchronous Read/Write Services

Clear Service

Trigger Service

Status/Service Request Service

Example VISA Message-Based Application