Finding Resources Example (VB)


Finding Resources Example (Visual Basic)

Note  The Visual Basic examples in the NI-VISA Help use the VISA data types where applicable. This feature is available only on Windows. To use this feature, select the VISA library (visa32.dll) as a reference from Visual Basic. This makes use of the type library embedded into the DLL.

Rem Find the first matching device and return a session to it
Private Function AutoConnect(instrSesn As ViSession) As ViStatus

Const MANF_ID = &HFF6 '12-bit VXI manufacturer ID of a device
Const MODEL_CODE = &H0FE '12-bit or 16-bit model code of a device

Dim stat
Dim dfltRM
Dim sesn
Dim fList
Dim desc
Dim nList
Dim iManf
Dim iModel
As ViStatus
As ViSession
As ViSession
As ViFindList
As Long
As Integer
As Integer
stat = viOpenDefaultRM(dfltRM)
If (stat < VI_SUCCESS) Then

Rem Error initializing VISA ... exiting
AutoConnect = stat
Exit Function

End If

Rem Find all VXI instruments in the system
stat = viFindRsrc(dfltRM, "?*VXI?*INSTR", fList, nList, desc)
If (stat < VI_SUCCESS) Then

Rem Error finding resources ... exiting
viClose (dfltRM)
AutoConnect = stat
Exit Function

End If

Rem Open a session to each and determine if it matches
While (nList)

stat = viOpen(dfltRM, desc, VI_NULL, VI_NULL, sesn)
If (stat >= VI_SUCCESS) Then

stat = viGetAttribute(sesn, VI_ATTR_MANF_ID, iManf)
If ((stat >= VI_SUCCESS) And (iManf = MANF_ID)) Then

stat = viGetAttribute(sesn, VI_ATTR_MODEL_CODE, iModel)
If ((stat >= VI_SUCCESS) And (iModel = MODEL_CODE)) Then

Rem We have a match, return session without closing
instrSesn = sesn
stat = viClose (fList)
Rem Do not close dfltRM; that would close sesn too
AutoConnect = VI_SUCCESS
Exit Function

End If

End If
stat = viClose (sesn)

End If
stat = viFindNext(fList, desc)
nList = nList - 1


Rem No match was found, return an error
stat = viClose (fList)
stat = viClose (dfltRM)

End Function