SIM Get Parameter Names VI

Simulation VI and Function

SIM Get Parameter Names VI

Owning Palette: Trim & Linearize VIs

Installed With: Control Design and Simulation Module

Returns the names, dimensions, and types of all parameters in the Parameters In input.

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Parameters In specifies either the States, Inputs, Outputs, or State Derivatives array that the SIM Query Subsystem VI returns.
Name specifies the name of the parameter.
Value specifies the value of the parameter.
Static Input? is TRUE if the parameter type Static. Static Input? is FALSE if the parameter type is either Variable or Fixed.
Vector? is TRUE if the parameter value is a vector or an array. Vector? is FALSE if the parameter value is a scalar.
Fixed Size? is TRUE if you can replace this parameter only with a vector or an array of the same size. Fixed Size? is FALSE if you can replace this parameter with a vector or array of any size.
Fixed Value? is TRUE if the parameter value is a condition that you specify for trimming a subsystem. Fixed Value? is FALSE if the parameter value is not a condition that you specify for trimming a subsystem.
Parameter Names returns the names of the parameters in the Parameters In array.
Parameter Dimensions returns the dimensions of the parameters in the Parameters In array.

0Vector (default)—Specifies that the parameter is a vector.
1Scalar—Specifies that the parameter is a scalar.
Parameter Types returns the types of parameters in the Parameters In array.

0Variable (default)—Specifies that the SIM Trim VI can change the value of this parameter to satisfy any conditions you specify. The SIM Linearize VI includes Variable inputs and outputs in the LTI model.
1Static—Specifies that the SIM Trim VI excludes this parameter from the search. The SIM Linearize VI excludes Static inputs and outputs from the LTI model. This VI does not distinguish between Static and Variable states and state derivatives.
2Fixed—Specifies that the SIM Trim VI uses the value of this parameter as a condition for trimming a subsystem. The SIM Linearize VI does not distinguish between Fixed and Variable parameters.