
NI RF Vector Signal Analyzers


ViStatus = niRFSA_InitWithOptions( ViRsrc resourceName, ViBoolean IDQuery, ViBoolean reset, ViConstString optionString, ViSession* newVi);


Creates a new session for the device. This function performs the following initialization actions:

  • Creates a new instrument driver session to the RF signal analyzer, using the downconverter resource name you specify.
  • Sends initialization commands to reset both hardware modules to a known state necessary for NI-RFSA operation.
  • Note Note  Before initializing the NI 5661, an NI 5142 IF digitizer module must be associated with the NI 5600 downconverter module in MAX. After association, pass the NI 5600 device name to this VI to initialize both modules. To change the digitizer association, modify the NI 5600 Properties page in MAX, or use the niRFSA_InitWithOptions function to override the association in MAX. Refer to the NI RF Vector Signal Analyzers Getting Started Guide, installed at Start»Programs»National Instruments»NI-RFSA»Documentation for information on MAX association.


    Name Type Description
    resourceName ViRsrc Specifies the resource name of the device to initialize.

    Example # Device Type Syntax
    1 myDAQmxDevice NI-DAQmx device, device name = "myDAQmxDevice"
    2 myLogicalName IVI logical name or virtual instrument, name = "myLogicalName"

    For NI-DAQmx devices, the syntax is the device name specified in MAX, as shown in Example 1. Typical default names for NI-DAQmx devices in MAX are Dev1 or PXI1Slot1. You can rename an NI-DAQmx device by right-clicking on the name in MAX and entering a new name. You can also pass in the name of an IVI logical name configured with the IVI Configuration utility. For additional information, refer to the IVI topic in the Measurement & Automation Explorer Help.


    NI-DAQmx device names are not case-sensitive. However, all IVI names, such as logical names, are case-sensitive. If you use an IVI logical name, make sure the name is identical to the name shown in the IVI Configuration Utility.

    IDQuery ViBoolean Specifies whether NI-RFSA performs an ID query.
    reset ViBoolean Specifies whether you want the to reset the NI-RFSA device during the initialization procedure. TRUE means that the device is reset; FALSE means that the device is not reset. FALSE is the default value.
    optionString ViConstString Sets the initial value of certain attributes for the session. The following table lists the attributes and the name you pass in this parameter to identify the attribute.

    Name Attribute

    The format of this string is, "AttributeName=Value" where AttributeName is the name of the attribute and Value is the value to which the attribute will be set. To set multiple attributes, separate their assignments with a comma.

    Example Option String: "RangeCheck=1,QueryInstrStatus=0,Cache=1,DriverSetup=Digitizer:pxi1slot4"
    Name Type Description
    vi ViSession Identifies your instrument session.

    Return Value

    Name Type Description
    status ViStatus Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. You examine the status code from each call to an instrument driver function to determine if an error occurred.

    To obtain a text description of the status code, call the niRFSA_error_message function. To obtain additional information about the error condition, call the niRFSA_GetError function. To clear the error information from the driver, call the niRFSA_ClearError function.

    The general meaning of the status code is as follows:

    0 Success
    Positive Values Warnings
    Negative Values Errors