Keyboard Codes
The table below shows the IUP codification of every key in the keyboard. Each key is represented by an integer value, defined in the iupkey.h file, which must be included in the application.
IUP uses the US default codification this means that if you installed a keyboard specific for your country the key codes will be different from the real keys for a small group of keys. For the Brazilian ABNT keyboard the keys ", ', ~,^,ç,],},[,{,´,`, usually will have a different codification. But this does not affect the IupText and IupMultiline text input.
Notice that somes key combinations are not available, like: Shift+Ins, Shift+Del, Alt+Space, Alt/Ctrl/Shift+Backspace, Alt/Ctrl/Shift+Pause, Alt/Ctrl/Shift+Esc, Ctrl/Alt+Enter. When CapsLock is active the Shift+<Key> combination is used, except for Esc and Backspace that will ignore the combination.
The isxkey(key) macro defined in the iupkey.h file informs whether a given key is an extended code instead of an alphanumeric key.
In IUP the codification implies that some keys have the same code: K_BS=K_cH, K_TAB=K_cI and K_CR=K_cM.
Key Code /
AttributeSPACE K_SP ! K_exclam " K_quotedbl # K_numbersign $ K_dollar % K_percent & K_ampersand ' K_quoteright ( K_parentleft ) K_parentright * K_asterisk + K_plus , K_comma - K_minus . K_period / K_slash 0 K_0 1 K_1 2 K_2 3 K_3 4 K_4 5 K_5 6 K_6 7 K_7 8 K_8 9 K_9 : K_colon ; K_semicolon < K_less = K_equal > K_greater ? K_question @ K_at A K_A B K_B C K_C D K_D E K_E F K_F G K_G H K_H I K_I J K_J K K_K L K_L M K_M N K_N O K_O P K_P Q K_Q R K_R S K_S T K_T U K_U V K_V W K_W X K_X Y K_Y Z K_Z [ K_bracketleft \ K_backslash ] K_bracketright ^ K_circum _ K_underscore ` K_quoteleft a K_a b K_b c K_c d K_d e K_e f K_f g K_g h K_h i K_i j K_j k K_k l K_l m K_m n K_n o K_o p K_p q K_q r K_r s K_s t K_t u K_u v K_v w K_w x K_x y K_y z K_z { K_braceleft | K_bar } K_braceright ~ K_tilde ESC K_ESC Enter K_CR BackSpace K_BS Insert K_INS Del K_DEL Tab K_TAB Home K_HOME UP K_UP PgUp K_PGUP LEFT K_LEFT MIDDLE K_MIDDLE RIGHT K_RIGHT END K_END DOWN K_DOWN PgDn K_PGDN Pause K_PAUSE F1 K_F1 F2 K_F2 F3 K_F3 F4 K_F4 F5 K_F5 F6 K_F6 F7 K_F7 F8 K_F8 F9 K_F9 F10 K_F10 F11 K_F11 F12 K_F12
Key Code /
AttributeAlt-A K_mA Alt-B K_mB Alt-C K_mC Alt-D K_mD Alt-E K_mE Alt-F K_mF Alt-G K_mG Alt-H K_mH Alt-I K_mI Alt-J K_mJ Alt-K K_mK Alt-L K_mL Alt-M K_mM Alt-N K_mN Alt-O K_mO Alt-P K_mP Alt-Q K_mQ Alt-R K_mR Alt-S K_mS Alt-T K_mT Alt-U K_mU Alt-V K_mV Alt-W K_mW Alt-X K_mX Alt-Y K_mY Alt-Z K_mZ Alt-1 K_m1 Alt-2 K_m2 Alt-3 K_m3 Alt-4 K_m4 Alt-5 K_m5 Alt-6 K_m6 Alt-7 K_m7 Alt-8 K_m8 Alt-9 K_m9 Alt-0 K_m0 Alt-Tab K_mTAB Alt-Home K_mHOME Alt-UP K_mUP Alt-PgUp K_mPGUP Alt-LEFT K_mLEFT Alt-RIGHT K_mRIGHT Alt-END K_mEND Alt-DOWN K_mDOWN Alt-PgDn K_mPGDN Alt-Insert K_mINS Alt-Del K_mDEL Alt-F1 K_mF1 Alt-F2 K_mF2 Alt-F3 K_mF3 Alt-F4 K_mF4 Alt-F5 K_mF5 Alt-F6 K_mF6 Alt-F7 K_mF7 Alt-F8 K_mF8 Alt-F9 K_mF9 Alt-F10 K_mF10 Alt-F11 K_mF11 Alt-F12 K_mF12
Key Code /
AttributeCtrl-SPACE K_cSP Ctrl-A K_cA Ctrl-B K_cB Ctrl-C K_cC Ctrl-D K_cD Ctrl-E K_cE Ctrl-F K_cF Ctrl-G K_cG Ctrl-H K_cH Ctrl-I K_cI Ctrl-J K_cJ Ctrl-K K_cK Ctrl-L K_cL Ctrl-M K_cM Ctrl-N K_cN Ctrl-O K_cO Ctrl-P K_cP Ctrl-Q K_cQ Ctrl-R K_cR Ctrl-S K_cS Ctrl-T K_cT Ctrl-U K_cU Ctrl-V K_cV Ctrl-W K_cW Ctrl-X K_cX Ctrl-Y K_cY Ctrl-Z K_cZ Ctrl-Tab K_cTAB Ctrl-Home K_cHOME Ctrl-UP K_cUP Ctrl-PgUp K_cPGUP Ctrl-LEFT K_cLEFT Ctrl-MIDDLE K_cMIDDLE Ctrl-RIGHT K_cRIGHT Ctrl-END K_cEND Ctrl-DOWN K_cDOWN Ctrl-PgDn K_cPGDN Ctrl-Insert K_cINS Ctrl-Del K_cDEL Ctrl-F1 K_cF1 Ctrl-F2 K_cF2 Ctrl-F3 K_cF3 Ctrl-F4 K_cF4 Ctrl-F5 K_cF5 Ctrl-F6 K_cF6 Ctrl-F7 K_cF7 Ctrl-F8 K_cF8 Ctrl-F9 K_cF9 Ctrl-F10 K_cF10 Ctrl-F11 K_cF11 Ctrl-F12 K_cF12
Key Code /
AttributeShift-SPACE K_sSP Shift-Enter K_sCR Shift-Tab K_sTAB Shift-Home K_sHOME Shift-UP K_sUP Shift-PgUp K_sPGUP Shift-LEFT K_sLEFT Shift-RIGHT K_sRIGHT Shift-END K_sEND Shift-DOWN K_sDOWN Shift-PgDn K_sPGDN Shift-F1 K_sF1 Shift-F2 K_sF2 Shift-F3 K_sF3 Shift-F4 K_sF4 Shift-F5 K_sF5 Shift-F6 K_sF6 Shift-F7 K_sF7 Shift-F8 K_sF8 Shift-F9 K_sF9 Shift-F10 K_sF10 Shift-F11 K_sF11 Shift-F120 K_sF12