
IUP - Portable User Interface


Shows a dialog containing a message and a button, and waits for the user to click the button.


void IupMessage(char *t, char *m); [in C]
IupMessage(t: string, m: string) [in IupLua3]
iup.Message(t: string, m: string) [in IupLua5]

t: Dialog’s title
m: Message


The IupMessage function shows a dialog centralized on the screen, showing the message and the “OK” button. The ‘\n’ character can be added to the message to indicate line change.

In C there is an utility function to help build the message string, it accepts the same format as the C sprintf:

void IupMessagef(char *t, char *f, ...); [in C]

The dialog uses a global attribute called "PARENTDIALOG" as the parent dialog if it is defined.


See Also

IupGetFile, IupScanf, IupListDialog, IupAlarm