Pole-Zero Placement Express VI

Digital Filter Design VIs and Functions

Pole-Zero Placement Express VI

Owning Palette: Filter Design VIs

Installed With: Digital Filter Design Toolkit

Adds, deletes, and moves poles and zeroes in a filter.

You can load a filter from an existing file.

Dialog Box Options
Block Diagram Inputs
Block Diagram Outputs
 Place on the block diagram  Find on the Functions palette

Dialog Box Options

ZeroesSpecifies the properties for each zero in the filter. Contains the following options:
  • Real—Specifies the real part value if coordinates are rectangular, or the radius value if coordinates are polar.
  • Imaginary—Specifies the imaginary part value if coordinates are rectangular, or the angle value if coordinates are polar.
  • Is real?—Makes the specified pole or zero point real if you place a checkmark in the checkbox.
  • Is linear phase pair?—Makes the specified pole or zero a linear phase pair if you place a checkmark in the checkbox.
  • On unit circle?—Places the pole or zero point on the unit circle if you place a checkmark in the checkbox.
  • Order—Specifies the order of the pole or zero. The value of Order must be an integer greater than zero. The default is 1.
PolesSpecifies the properties for each pole in the filter. Contains the following options:
  • Real—Specifies the real part value if coordinates are rectangular, or the radius value if coordinates are polar.
  • Imaginary—Specifies the imaginary part value if coordinates are rectangular, or the angle value if coordinates are polar.
  • Is real?—Makes the specified pole or zero point real if you place a checkmark in the checkbox.
  • Is linear phase pair?—Makes the specified pole or zero a linear phase pair if you place a checkmark in the checkbox.
  • On unit circle?—Places the pole or zero point on the unit circle if you place a checkmark in the checkbox.
  • Order—Specifies the order of the pole or zero. The value of Order must be an integer greater than zero. The default is 1.
SettingsContains the following options:
  • Gain—Sets the gain of the filter manually. You can use this control only if you remove the checkmark from the Normalized gain checkbox.
  • Normalized gain—Specifies if this Express VI automatically adjusts the gain of the filter. The default contains a checkmark in the checkbox, which specifies that this Express VI adjusts the gain so the maximum response is 1.0 (0 dB). Remove the checkmark from the checkbox to adjust the gain manually with the Gain control.
  • Sampling frequency—Specifies the sampling frequency in hertz. This input must contain a value greater than zero. The default is 1 Hz.
  • Coordinates—Specifies whether this Express VI displays poles and zeroes in rectangular or polar coordinates. The default is rectangular coordinates.
Load Filter from FileOpens a file dialog you can use to select a file of a filter that loads into this Express VI.
ZeroSpecifies the color of the zeroes in the Z Plane plot. The default is blue. Click the color box next to the parameter name to select a different color.
PoleSpecifies the color of the poles in the Z Plane plot. The default is red. Click the color box next to the parameter name to select a different color.
Delete SelectedDeletes the selected pole or zero from the filter.
Add ZeroAdds a zero to the filter.
Add PoleAdds a pole to the filter.
Z-PlanePlots the number and location of poles and zeroes.
Magnitude ResponsePlots the filter magnitude response.
Magnitude in dBSpecifies whether this Express VI uses decibels or a linear scale in the magnitude plot. If a checkmark is in the checkbox, this Express VI converts linear magnitude response to decibels.

Block Diagram Inputs

error in (no error)Describes error conditions that occur before this VI or function runs.

Block Diagram Outputs

filter outReturns the new filter.
error outContains error information. If error in indicates that an error occurred before this VI or function ran, error out contains the same error information. Otherwise, it describes the error status that this VI or function produces.