Digital Filter Design VIs and Functions

Digital Filter Design VIs and Functions

Digital Filter Design VIs and Functions

June 2008, 371325C-01

Installed With: Digital Filter Design Toolkit. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the Digital Filter Design VIs and functions to create digital filters, analyze filter characteristics, process signals, convert floating-point filters to fixed-point filters, simulate fixed-point filtering processes, and generate code to implement filters on embedded platforms.

The VIs on this palette can return general LabVIEW error codes or specific digital filter design error codes.

Conversion VIsUse the Conversion VIs to retrieve and convert filter structures and to cascade filters.
Filter Analysis VIsUse the Filter Analysis VIs to analyze the characteristics of filters.
Filter Design VIsUse the Filter Design VIs to create finite impulse response (FIR), infinite impulse response (IIR), and other types of filters.
Fixed-Point Tools VIsUse the Fixed-Point Tools VIs to quantize coefficients, model the behavior of fixed-point filters, simulate filtering processes, generate statistics reports, and generate fixed-point target code.
Multirate Filter Analysis VIsUse the Multirate Filter Analysis VIs to analyze characteristics of multirate filters.
Multirate Filter Design VIsUse the Multirate Filter Design VIs to create multirate filters.
Multirate Fixed-Point Tools VIsUse the Multirate Fixed-Point Tools VIs to quantize filter coefficients, model the behavior of fixed-point multirate filters, simulate multirate filtering processes, and generate fixed-point target code.
Multirate Processing VIsUse the Multirate Processing VIs to filter signals with multirate digital filters.
Multirate Utilities VIsUse the Multirate Utilities VIs to retrieve the multirate filter coefficients and parameters and to create multirate filters from the filter coefficients.
Processing VIsUse the Processing VIs to filter signals with digital filters.
Utilities VIsUse the Utilities VIs to retrieve the filter coefficients and and to create filters from the coefficients.

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