NI 9205 (FPGA Interface)


NI 9205 (FPGA Interface)

CompactRIO 32-Channel Single-Ended/16-Channel Differential, ±200 mV to ±10 V, 16-Bit Analog Input Module


You can use an FPGA I/O Node, configured for reading, with this device.

Terminals in Software

Use the FPGA I/O Node to access the following terminals for this device.

Terminal Description
AIx Analog input channel x, where x is the number of the channel. The NI 9205 has AI channels 0 to 31. The channel is sampled using the currently configured terminal mode and voltage range. You can configure these settings at edit time using the C Series Module Properties dialog box or at run time using the Set Terminal Mode or Set Voltage Range methods.
DI0 Digital input channel used to access the module digital line, which is labeled PFI0. This terminal is not available for an onboard NI 9205 on a Single-Board RIO (sbRIO) device.
Trig Returns the output of the module trigger circuitry. Use the Set Triggers method to configure the trigger circuit.
DO0 Digital output channel 0. This terminal is not available for an onboard NI 9205 on an sbRIO device.

Refer to the Conversion Timing topic for information about the order and timing of conversions for these I/O channels.


This device supports only the Arbitrate if Multiple Requestors Only option for arbitration. You cannot configure arbitration settings for this device.

Module Methods

Use the FPGA I/O Method Node to access the following methods for this device. This device does not support any I/O methods.

Method Description
IO Sample Acquires a single sample from the module. The channel number, terminal mode, and voltage range are all configurable at run time.
Note  National Instruments suggests that you do not configure the VI to run an IO Sample method and another FPGA I/O Method Node in parallel when both are targeted to the same C Series module. Similarly, National Instruments suggests that you do not configure the VI to run multiple IO Sample methods in parallel when the IO Sample methods are targeted to the same C Series module.

Refer to the 9205 Basic IO VI and the NI 9205 Advanced IO VI in the labview\examples\CompactRIO\Module Specific\NI 9205\NI 9205 Basic IO and labview\examples\CompactRIO\Module Specific\NI 9205\NI 9205 Advanced IO directories for examples related to this method.

  • Basic IO

     Open example
  • Advanced IO

     Open example
Set Terminal Mode Sets the terminal mode for a channel as RSE (referenced single-ended), NRSE (non-referenced single-ended ), or DIFF (differential). This method overwrites the value you configure in the C Series Module Properties dialog box.
Set Triggers Sets the trigger output to one of the following values:
  • None
  • AI Below Low
  • AI Above High
  • AI Inside Region
  • AI Below Low with Hysteresis
  • AI Above High with Hysteresis
  • DI Trigger

Note  The onboard NI 9205 on sbRIO devices does not support DI triggering.
Refer to the 9205 Basic Triggering VI and the 9205 Advanced Triggering VI in the labview\examples\CompactRIO\Module Specific\NI 9205\NI 9205 Basic Triggering and labview\examples\CompactRIO\Module Specific\NI 9205\NI 9205 Advanced Triggering directories for examples related to this method.

  • Basic Triggering

     Open example
  • Advanced Triggering

     Open example
Set Voltage Range Sets the input range for a channel as ±10 V, ±5 V, ±1 V, or ±200 mV. This method overwrites the value you configure in the C Series Module Properties dialog box.

Module Properties

Use the FPGA I/O Property Node to access the following properties for this device. This device does not support any I/O properties.

Property Description
Linearization Coefficient x (Optional) NI-MCal linearization coefficient x, where x is the number of the linearization coefficient. The NI 9205 has linearization coefficients 3 to 0. You can use these coefficients in calibration to compensate for some types of measurement nonlinearity inherent in this device.

Refer to the NI 9205 Advanced IO VI in the labview\examples\CompactRIO\Module Specific\NI 9205\NI 9205 Advanced IO directory for an example of this concept.

 Open example
LSB Weight (±10 V range)Returns the LSB weight in pV/LSB for the ±10 V range. Use this value to convert and calibrate NI 9205 data if you set the Calibration Mode to Raw in the C Series Module Properties dialog box.
LSB Weight (±1 V range)Returns the LSB weight in pV/LSB for the ±1 V range. Use this value to convert and calibrate NI 9205 data if you set the Calibration Mode to Raw in the C Series Module Properties dialog box.
LSB Weight (±200 mV range)Returns the LSB weight in pV/LSB for the ±200 mV range. Use this value to convert and calibrate NI 9205 data if you set the Calibration Mode to Raw in the C Series Module Properties dialog box.
LSB Weight (±5 V range)Returns the LSB weight in pV/LSB for the ±5 V range. Use this value to convert and calibrate NI 9205 data if you set the Calibration Mode to Raw in the C Series Module Properties dialog box.
Module ID Returns the module ID.
Offset (±10 V range)Returns the calibration offset in nV for the ±10 V range. Use this value to convert and calibrate NI 9205 data if you set the Calibration Mode to Raw in the C Series Module Properties dialog box.
Offset (±1 V range)Returns the calibration offset in nV for the ±1 V range. Use this value to convert and calibrate NI 9205 data if you set the Calibration Mode to Raw in the C Series Module Properties dialog box.
Offset (±200 mV range)Returns the calibration offset in nV for the ±200 mV range. Use this value to convert and calibrate NI 9205 data if you set the Calibration Mode to Raw in the C Series Module Properties dialog box.
Offset (±5 V range)Returns the calibration offset in nV for the ±5 V range. Use this value to convert and calibrate NI 9205 data if you set the Calibration Mode to Raw in the C Series Module Properties dialog box.
Serial Number Returns the unique serial number of the module.
Vendor ID Returns the National Instruments vendor ID, 0x1093.

Single-Cycle Timed Loop

This device does not support the single-cycle Timed Loop.

Hardware Documentation

Refer to the NI 9205 Operating Instructions and Specifications to learn about module specifications and how to use the module. Refer to the CompactRIO Related Documentation for further information about CompactRIO documentation.