CompactRIO Error Codes (FPGA Interface)


CompactRIO Error Codes (FPGA Interface)

The FPGA I/O functions and Invoke Method function can return the following error codes for CompactRIO.

Code Description
−65580 The FPGA personality running on the RIO target does not have enough specialty digital resources to support this module.
−65537 The module that was detected is different than the module that was expected. Make sure the slot the module is configured for in software matches the physical location of the module.
−65407 Too many specialty digital slots. In Scan Interface mode, you can configure only two slots for specialty digital I/O. If you want more specialty digital slots, add an FPGA target under the chassis to put the chassis in LabVIEW FPGA interface mode.
65000 Unable to mount drive. The given device is either not present or not recognizable as a mountable device.
65001 No partitions found. The partition table on the device is corrupt or the device has zero partitions on it.
65002 Invalid drive handle. The given handle does not represent an active mounted drive.
65003 Drive already mounted. The given device is already mounted as a drive.
65004 The channel, slot, or connector number you wired to the method input is invalid. Change the method input to match the configuration of the CompactRIO system.
65005 The C Series module at the specified location does not support TEDS or TEDS access is not enabled for the module.
65006 Communication with the module timed out. The module is busy performing another action or LabVIEW is unable to communicate with the module.
65007 No TEDS sensor was detected on the specified channel. Make sure that the C Series module and sensor are properly connected. Make sure the specified location matches the sensor location.
65008 CompactRIO does not support the TEDS sensor connected to this channel.
65009 The PXI trigger that you have selected to reserve or unreserve is invalid. Valid PXI triggers are 0 through 7, inclusive.
65200 DIO Line Access Conflict. Invalid module configuration. A single physical DIO line cannot be accessed by multiple types of output nodes when the Number of Synchronizing Registers=0 and any of the output accesses is in a Single-Cycle Timed Loop. Either change the number of Synchronizing Registers to 1 in the module's properties dialog, or access the resource exclusively as a port or an individual line, not both.
65201 Duplicate Terminals In The Same Node. An FPGA I/O Node has duplicate terminals. Delete the duplicate terminal from the I/O Node.
65202 Digital Resource Access Conflict. The digital I/O resource cannot be accessed in a Single-Cycle Timed Loop from both a Digital Output function and a Digital Port Output function. If you need to access this resource in a Single-Cycle Timed Loop, please exclusively use just the Digital Output function or Digital Port Output function, not both.
65203 Module Timebase Configuration Error. LabVIEW detected an invalid configuration for an FPGA I/O Node that contains channels from a module with a configurable timebase. If channels of multiple modules with a configurable timebase are in the same FPGA I/O Node, make sure you configure the modules to share the same timebase. Use the C Series Module Properties dialog box to configure the module timebase. Refer to the LabVIEW Help for information about how to synchronize multiple C Series modules.
65204 Digital Resource Access Conflict. The digital I/O resource cannot be accessed from both a Digital Output function and a Digital Port Output function if the Never Arbitrate option is used. Please change the arbitration of the Digital Line and/or Digital Port to something other than Never Arbitrate, or exclusively use just the Digital Output function or Digital Port Output function, not both.
65205 Invalid C Series Module Configuration. Possible reasons for the invalid configuration include that the master timebase source module is unable to be identified, the master timebase source module is not configured to export its timebase, or the master timebase source module is not a valid module type. Use the C Series Module Properties dialog box to configure the module timebase. Refer to the LabVIEW Help for information about how to synchronize multiple C Series modules.
65206 Invalid top-level clock. You must use a top-level clock of 40 MHz when using this module. To change the top-level clock, right click on your FPGA target in the LabVIEW Project Explorer and select properties. From the Top-Level Clock category, choose a 40 MHz clock.
65207 The digital output resource cannot be accessed from both a Digital Output function and a Digital Port Output function. Please exclusively use just the Digital Output function or Digital Port Output function, not both.
65208 The cRIO-9151 R Series Expansion chassis no longer supports synchronizing multiple NI 9225/9229/923x modules. Use the C Series Module Properties dialog box to set the master timebase source of the slave module(s) to the onboard clock. Right-click the module in the project and select Properties to display the C Series Module Properties dialog box. Contact National Instruments technical support with questions or concerns.
65209 You cannot write to the Sleep channel if you are using the Scan Interface with any modules in the system.
65400 The FPGA target is either running an FPGA VI or has loaded an FPGA VI.
65401 One or more discovered C Series modules are not supported by the current versions of LabVIEW and NI-RIO.
65402 An internal software error in NI-RIO has occurred. Please contact National Instruments technical support at
65403 An unexpected error occurred when Discovering C Series Modules. Make sure the LabVIEW Project is set up properly.
65404 The controller you selected has an unconfigured ( IP address. If the controller is online, configure it in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX), then make sure the IP address in LabVIEW matches the IP address in MAX. If it is offline, you cannot discover connected targets and devices, but you can add new, offline targets and devices.
65405 Module not found. The module whose configuration you deployed is not present in the chassis.
65406 Different module. The module whose configuration you deployed does not match the model currently in the chassis.
65407 Too many specialty digital slots. In Scan Interface mode, you can configure only two slots for specialty digital I/O. If you want more specialty digital slots, add an FPGA target under the chassis to put the chassis in LabVIEW FPGA Interface mode.
65536 Unable to communicate with the module. Reinsert the module and check connections.
65537 The module that was detected is different than the module that was expected. Make sure the slot the module is configured for in software matches the physical location of the module.
65538 The operation failed to complete in time. Make sure the module is not busy and the system is configured properly.
65539 The input function missed one or more data points. Make sure the loop can execute as fast as the module data rate.
65540 The I/O Resource is not in communication mode. You must start communication mode before you can perform this operation.
65541 The I/O Resource is in communication mode. You must stop communication mode before you can perform this operation.
65542 One or more channels have detected an open current loop. Check the module connections.
65543 The power supply voltage level is out of range. Check the supply voltage and the module connections.
65544 One or more channels are in overcurrent protection mode. The device connected to the channel is passing more current than is allowed through the channel. Check for possible shorts or external device failure.
65545 An input parameter, or a combination of parameters, is invalid.
65546 Your application uses a feature that is not supported by your C Series hardware.
65547 Too many CAN bus error frames are detected. Please refer to the description of the 'Error Terminals' for more information.
65548 One or more channels are in overcurrent or overvoltage protection mode. Check the terminals for any fault condition that could be causing an out-of-range voltage or current on the channels.
65549 A general or undefined error has occurred. Verify that the card is inserted properly and that the door is closed. If the error occurs again, run CHKDSK on the card.
65550 A problem was found in the file system. Remove the SD card and run CHKDSK.
65551 The SD card is in use by RT. Try again after RT unmounts the card.
65552 The SD card is not ready. Verify that the card is inserted properly and that the door is closed.
65553 The SD card door was opened while a file on the card was open.
65554 The specified file does not exist on the card.
65555 The Open method tried to open a new file for writing, but a file with the same name already exists on the disk.
65556 A Read or Write method tried to access a file that was not opened in the required mode.
65558 A Close method tried to close a file that was not open.
65559 A method tried to open a file on the SD card when a file was already open. This device supports only one file open at a time. This error is also returned when an illegal attempt to call the Delete File or Get File Size method is made when a file is open on the card.
65560 An attempt to allocate storage failed because the file system is full.
65561 Attempted to exceed the limit of 512 root directory entries.
65562 A Read method tried to read beyond the end of a file. This may have occurred when the method read the end of a file using a U16 or U32 data type when the actual number of bytes in the file (as reported by the directory) was not an integer multiple of the number of bytes in the read data type.
65563 A problem was found with the format of the SD card. Verify that the SD card is formatted with a valid FAT16 file system.
65577 An open thermocouple was detected on at least one channel. Check the module connections.
65578 The common-mode voltage is outside of acceptable limits on at least one channel. Check the terminals for any fault condition that could be causing an out-of-range voltage on the channels.