CompactRIO Interface Methods (FPGA Interface)


CompactRIO Interface Methods (FPGA Interface)

In addition to the methods described in the Invoke Method topic, you can use the following method with the Invoke Method function for CompactRIO devices.

  • Read TEDS—Reads TEDS information from a C Series module that has TEDS support enabled.
    Connector specifies the connector to which the cRIO-9151 R Series Expansion chassis is connected. This input is available only if the Open FPGA VI Reference function is configured for an R Series device. Valid values are 0 through 3 for the NI 781xR, 1 or 2 for the NI 7831R and NI 7833R, and 1 for the NI 7830R.
    Slot specifies the chassis slot of the C Series module from which you want to read TEDS information. If the slot does not have a C Series module that supports this feature, LabVIEW returns an error. Valid values are 1 through N, where N is the number of slots in the chassis.
    Channel specifies the channel on the module from which you want to read TEDS information. If a sensor is not connected to the channel, the Invoke Method function returns an error. Valid values are 0 through 3 for the NI 9219, NI 9233, NI 9234, and NI 9237.
    TEDS Binary represents the TEDS information of the sensor connected to the specified channel in an array of bits. You can use the TEDS Toolkit to parse this data.
    v0.9 (TEDS) determines whether the sensor stored in the TEDS is in the released IEEE 1451.4 standard format or in the legacy version (v0.9) format. v0.9 returns TRUE if the TEDS is in the legacy format. The TEDS Toolkit VIs require this output to properly parse information.
  • Mount SD Card—Prepares the file system of an NI 9802 SD Card so you can access the files using the File I/O VIs and functions. You must use the Unmount SD Card method to unmount the file system after accessing files.
    Note Note  The FPGA VI must be running for the Real-Time VI to access the Mount SD Card and Unmount SD Card methods. You cannot access an SD Card from the Real-Time VI and the FPGA VI at the same time.
    Module specifies the chassis slot of the NI 9802 module. If the slot does not have an NI 9802 module, LabVIEW returns an error. Valid values are 1 through N, where N is the number of slots in the chassis.
    Card Slot specifies the card slot of the SD Card which you want to access. Valid values are 0 or 1.
    Drive Handle returns a handle to the mounted drive. Wire this output to the Drive Handle input of the Unmount SD Card method.
    Drive Letter returns the base path of the SD Card file system you mounted.
    Note Note  The cRIO-9002/9004 controller does not support drive letter access.
    Refer to the NI 9802 RT Access VI in the labview\examples\CompactRIO\Module Specific\NI 9802\NI 9802 RT Access directory for an example of using this method.

     Open example

  • Unmount SD Card—Unmounts the SD Card file system you mounted into a drive. This method attempts to execute even if the error in parameter contains an error.
    Drive Handle specifies the drive to unmount.