WebCamParametrXMLDocument – it is XML document which define the current properties of web camera parametrs.
Node "Parametrs" is declaration of the root XML node.
Node "Group" is declaration of parametrs which is grouped by type, which is defined by attribute "Title":
- Video processor - video processor parametrs;
- Camera control - camera driver parametrs.
Node "Parametr" is declaration of the parametr node.
Attribute "Index" is unique index of the parameter, attribute "Title" defines friendly name of the parametr, attribute "CurrentValue" defines current value of the parametr, attribute "Default" defines default value of the parametr, attribute "Min" defines minimum acceptable value of the parametr, attribute "Max" defines minimum acceptable value of the parametr, attribute "Step" defines value of changing beween minimum and maximum values of the parametr, attribute "Flag" defines current flag type of control of the parametr.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!--XML Document of web cam parametrs-->
<Group Title="Video processor" GUID="">
<Parametr Index="" Title="" CurrentValue="" Default="" Min="" Max="" Step="" Flag=""/>
<Group Title="Camera control" GUID="">
<Parametr Index="" Title="" CurrentValue="" Default="" Min="" Max="" Step="" Flag=""/>