
Capture Manager SDK

EVRStreamFilterXMLDocument – it is XML document which defines current filters of the video stream renderer output.

Node "Filters" is declaration of the root XML node.
Node "Filter" is declaration of one filter. Attribute "Title" defines friendly name of the filter, attribute "CurrentValue" defines current value of the filter, attribute "Default" defines default value of the filter, attribute "Index" defines index of the filter, attribute "Min" defines minimum acceptable value of the filter, attribute "Max" defines minimum acceptable value of the filter, attribute "Step" defines value of changing beween minimum and maximum values of the filter, attribute "Multiplier" defines scale value of the filter, attribute "IsEnabled" defines enabling or disabling of the filter.

<!?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!-- XML Document of render stream filters -->
<Filter Title="" CurrentValue="" Default="" Index="" Max="" Min="" Step="" Multiplier="" IsEnabled="" />