Screen Capture
Screen Capture – embedded into the CaptureManager live source which streams video from the screen of the desktop.
Screen Capture supports the next arguments for modifing of source:
- --options
- --normalize
- --HWND
Argument "--options" allows define list of options which modify some source functionality. It is defined in format of XML document:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<Option Type='Cursor' Visiblity='True'>
<Extension Type='BackImage' Height='100' Width='100' Fill='0x7055ff55' Shape='Ellipse'/>
<Option Type='Clip' >
<Extension Left='0' Top='0' Height='100' Width='100' />
Node "Option" is a declaration of new option. Attribute "Type" defines type of option modification:
- Cursor - modify cursor.
- Clip - cut region of desktop area.
Attribute "Visiblity" defines type of option modification:
- True - make option visible.
- False - make option invisible.
Node "Option.Extensions" is a declaration of list of the extensions for the current option.
Node "Extension" is a declaration of the one extension for the current option. Attribute "Type" defines type of extension:
- BackImage - image on the backbround
Attribute "Left" defines left offset of extension. Attribute "Top" defines top offset of extension. Attribute "Height" defines height of extension. Attribute "Width" defines width of extension. Attribute "Fill" colour for filling of extension in ARGB Hex format. Attribute "Shape" defines shape of extension:
- Rectangle - shape of filling is rectangle
- Ellipse - shape of filling is ellipse
example on C# code:
string lextendSymbolicLink = lSymbolicLink + " --options=" +
"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" +
"<Options>" +
"<Option Type='Cursor' Visiblity='True'>" +
"<Option.Extensions>" +
"<Extension Type='BackImage' Height='100' Width='100' Fill='0x7055ff55' Shape='Ellipse'/>" +
"</Option.Extensions>" +
"</Option>" +
"<Option Type='Clip'>" +
"<Option.Extensions>" +
"<Extension Left='0' Top='0' Height='100' Width='100'/>" +
"</Option.Extensions>" +
"</Option>" +
Argument "--normalize" commands to apply post processing for transformation any screen orientation to the specific form:
- Landscape - form screen while top on upper part of image and bottom on lower part of image
example on C# code:
lextendSymbolicLink += " --normalize=Landscape";
Argument "--HWND" commands to set HWND handler of the window as a source for "Screen Capture" embedded live source. Value is set as a value of the selected window HWND handler. It supports only client window area screen capturing.
example on C# code:
lextendSymbolicLink += " --HWND=" + m_CurrentHWND.ToInt32().ToString();