
Capture Manager SDK


PresentationDescriptorXMLDocument – it is XML document which describes the source's configuration.

Node "PresentationDescriptor" is declaration of the root XML node, it has attribute "StreamCount" which defines amount of media streams - it supports one video stream. The next document presents tempate document for video. It has one media type with the next templates: "Temp_Width" - for replacement width of video frame in pixels, "Temp_Height" - for replacement height of video frame in pixels, "Temp_Stride" - for replacement width of video frame in bytes (can be computed by IStrideForBitmap), "Temp_SampleSize" - for replacement size of video frame in bytes, "Temp_SubTypeGUID" - for replacement GUID of video frame.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<PresentationDescriptor StreamCount='1'>
<PresentationDescriptor.Attributes Title='Attributes of Presentation'>
<Attribute Name='MF_DEVSOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE_TYPE_VIDCAP_SYMBOLIC_LINK' GUID='{58F0AAD8-22BF-4F8A-BB3D-D2C4978C6E2F}' Title='The symbolic link for a video capture driver.' Description='Contains the unique symbolic link for a video capture driver.'>
<SingleValue Value='ImageCaptureProcessor' />
<Attribute Name='MF_DEVSOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_FRIENDLY_NAME' GUID='{60D0E559-52F8-4FA2-BBCE-ACDB34A8EC01}' Title='The display name for a device.' Description='The display name is a human-readable string, suitable for display in a user interface.'>
<SingleValue Value='Image Capture Processor' />
<StreamDescriptor Index='0' MajorType='MFMediaType_Video' MajorTypeGUID='{73646976-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}'>
<MediaTypes TypeCount='1'>
<MediaType Index='0'>
<MediaTypeItem Name='MF_MT_FRAME_SIZE' GUID='{1652C33D-D6B2-4012-B834-72030849A37D}' Title='Width and height of the video frame.' Description='Width and height of a video frame, in pixels.'>
<ValuePart Title='Width' Value='Temp_Width' />
<ValuePart Title='Height' Value='Temp_Height' />
<MediaTypeItem Name='MF_MT_AVG_BITRATE' GUID='{20332624-FB0D-4D9E-BD0D-CBF6786C102E}' Title='Approximate data rate of the video stream.' Description='Approximate data rate of the video stream, in bits per second, for a video media type.'>
<SingleValue Value='33570816' />
<MediaTypeItem Name='MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE' GUID='{48EBA18E-F8C9-4687-BF11-0A74C9F96A8F}' Title='Major type GUID for a media type.' Description='The major type defines the overall category of the media data.'>
<SingleValue Value='MFMediaType_Video' GUID='{73646976-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}' />
<MediaTypeItem Name='MF_MT_DEFAULT_STRIDE' GUID='{644B4E48-1E02-4516-B0EB-C01CA9D49AC6}' Title='Default surface stride.' Description='Default surface stride, for an uncompressed video media type. Stride is the number of bytes needed to go from one row of pixels to the next.'>
<SingleValue Value='Temp_Stride' />
<MediaTypeItem Name='MF_MT_FIXED_SIZE_SAMPLES' GUID='{B8EBEFAF-B718-4E04-B0A9-116775E3321B}' Title='The fixed size of samples in stream.' Description='Specifies for a media type whether the samples have a fixed size.'>
<SingleValue Value='True' />
<MediaTypeItem Name='MF_MT_FRAME_RATE' GUID='{C459A2E8-3D2C-4E44-B132-FEE5156C7BB0}' Title='Frame rate.' Description='Frame rate of a video media type, in frames per second.'>
<RatioValue Value='10.0'>
<ValuePart Title='Numerator' Value='10' />
<ValuePart Title='Denominator' Value='1' />
<MediaTypeItem Name='MF_MT_PIXEL_ASPECT_RATIO' GUID='{C6376A1E-8D0A-4027-BE45-6D9A0AD39BB6}' Title='Pixel aspect ratio.' Description='Pixel aspect ratio for a video media type.'>
<RatioValue Value='1'>
<ValuePart Title='Numerator' Value='1' />
<ValuePart Title='Denominator' Value='1' />
<MediaTypeItem Name='MF_MT_ALL_SAMPLES_INDEPENDENT' GUID='{C9173739-5E56-461C-B713-46FB995CB95F}' Title='Independent of samples.' Description='Specifies for a media type whether each sample is independent of the other samples in the stream.'>
<SingleValue Value='True' />
<MediaTypeItem Name='MF_MT_SAMPLE_SIZE' GUID='{DAD3AB78-1990-408B-BCE2-EBA673DACC10}' Title='The fixed size of each sample in stream.' Description='Specifies the size of each sample, in bytes, in a media type.'>
<SingleValue Value='Temp_SampleSize' />
<MediaTypeItem Name='MF_MT_INTERLACE_MODE' GUID='{E2724BB8-E676-4806-B4B2-A8D6EFB44CCD}' Title='Describes how the frames are interlaced.' Description='Describes how the frames in a video media type are interlaced.'>
<SingleValue Value='MFVideoInterlace_Progressive' />
<MediaTypeItem Name='MF_MT_SUBTYPE' GUID='{F7E34C9A-42E8-4714-B74B-CB29D72C35E5}' Title='Subtype GUID for a media type.' Description='The subtype GUID defines a specific media format type within a major type.'>
<SingleValue GUID='{Temp_SubTypeGUID}' />