IEVRStreamControl – it controls video rendering stream by the next methods:
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE setPosition( IUnknown *aPtrEVROutputNode, FLOAT aLeft, FLOAT aRight, FLOAT aTop, FLOAT aBottom) - set position of rendering in the target surface (from 0.0f to 1.0f), where aPtrEVROutputNode is pointer on rendering topology node, aLeft is position of left corner on target surface, aRight is position of right corner on target surface, aTop is position of top corner on target surface, aBottom is position of bottom corner on target surface;
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE setZOrder( IUnknown *aPtrEVROutputNode, DWORD aZOrder) - set the relating order of the current rendering to others, where aPtrEVROutputNode is pointer on rendering topology node, aZOrder is order position on target surface;
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE getPosition( IUnknown *aPtrEVROutputNode, FLOAT *aPtrLeft, FLOAT *aPtrRight, FLOAT *aPtrTop, FLOAT *aPtrBottom) - get position of rendering in the target surface (from 0.0f to 1.0f), where aPtrEVROutputNode is pointer on rendering topology node, aPtrLeft is pointer to write position of left corner on target surface, aPtrRight is pointer to write position of right corner on target surface, aPtrTop is pointer to write position of top corner on target surface, aPtrBottom is pointer to write position of bottom corner on target surface;
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE getZOrder( IUnknown *aPtrEVROutputNode, DWORD *aPtrZOrder) - get the relating order of the current rendering to others, where aPtrEVROutputNode is pointer on rendering topology node, aPtrZOrder is pointer to write order position on target surface;
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE flush( IUnknown *aPtrEVROutputNode) - execute rendering command immediatly, where aPtrEVROutputNode is pointer on rendering topology node;
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE setSrcPosition( IUnknown *aPtrEVROutputNode, FLOAT aLeft, FLOAT aRight, FLOAT aTop, FLOAT aBottom) - set position of rendering from the source surface (from 0.0f to 1.0f), where aPtrEVROutputNode is pointer on rendering topology node, aLeft is position of left corner on source surface, aRight is position of right corner on source surface, aTop is position of top corner on source surface, aBottom is position of bottom corner on source surface;
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE getSrcPosition( IUnknown *aPtrEVROutputNode, FLOAT *aPtrLeft, FLOAT *aPtrRight, FLOAT *aPtrTop, FLOAT *aPtrBottom) - get position of rendering from the source surface (from 0.0f to 1.0f), where aPtrEVROutputNode is pointer on rendering topology node, aPtrLeft is pointer to write position of left corner on source surface, aPtrRight is pointer to write position of right corner on source surface, aPtrTop is pointer to write position of top corner on source surface, aPtrBottom is pointer to write position of bottom corner on source surface;
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE getCollectionOfFilters( IUnknown *aPtrEVROutputNode, BSTR *aPtrPtrXMLstring) - get collection of applicapable video filters in XML format (EVRStreamFilterXMLDocument, where aPtrEVROutputNode is pointer on rendering topology node, aPtrPtrXMLstring is pointer on created string;
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE setFilterParametr( IUnknown *aPtrEVROutputNode, DWORD aParametrIndex, LONG aNewValue, BOOL aIsEnabled) - set parametr of the selected applicapable video filter, where aPtrEVROutputNode is pointer on rendering topology node, aParametrIndex is index of parametr, aNewValue is new value, aIsEnabled is flag for enabling or disabling parametr;
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE getCollectionOfOutputFeatures( IUnknown *aPtrEVROutputNode, BSTR *aPtrPtrXMLstring) - get collection of renderer features in XML format (EVRStreamOutputFeatureXMLDocument), where aPtrEVROutputNode is pointer on rendering topology node, aPtrPtrXMLstring is pointer on created string;
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE setOutputFeatureParametr( IUnknown *aPtrEVROutputNode, DWORD aParametrIndex, LONG aNewValue) - set parametr of the selected renderer feature, where aPtrEVROutputNode is pointer on rendering topology node, aParametrIndex is index of parametr, aNewValue is new value.