IWebCamControl – it manages options of web camera by the next methods:
HRESULT getCamParametrs( BSTR* aXMLstring) – get web camera parametrs in XML format (WebCamParametrXMLDocument), where aXMLstring is a pointer on the created string;
HRESULT getCamParametr( DWORD aParametrIndex, LONG* aCurrentValue, LONG* aMin, LONG* aMax, LONG* aStep, LONG* aDefault, LONG* aFlag) - get parametr of the source, where aParametrIndex is index of the current parametr, aCurrentValue is a pointer on the current value, aMin is a pointer on the minimum accessable value, aMax is a pointer on the maximum accessable value, aStep is a pointer on the accessable change step value, aDefault is a pointer on the default value of parametr from device firmware, aFlag is a pointer on the flag value of the parametr;
HRESULT setCamParametr( DWORD aParametrIndex, LONG aNewValue, LONG aFlag) - set parametr to the source, where aParametrIndex is index of the current parametr, aNewValue is the new value, aFlag is the new flag value of the parametr;