
Capture Manager SDK


ISession – it manages the recording session by the next methods:

HRESULT startSession( LONGLONG aStartPositionInHundredNanosecondUnits, REFGUID aGUIDTimeFormat) - start session which is referenced by session descriptor, where aStartPositionInHundredNanosecondUnits is starting offset (0), aGUIDTimeFormat is IID of time format (GUID_NULL);
HRESULT stopSession() - stop session which is referenced by session descriptor;

HRESULT pauseSession() - pause session which is referenced by session descriptor;

HRESULT closeSession() - close session which is referenced by session descriptor;

HRESULT getSessionDescriptor(DWORD* aPtrSessionDescriptor) - get session descriptor which is referenced with this session, where aPtrSessionDescriptor is pointer on descriptor of the current session;

HRESULT getIConnectionPointContainer( REFIID aREFIID, IUnknown** aPtrPtrControl) - get IConnectionPointContainer interface, where aREFIID is IID of IConnectionPointContainer interface, aPtrPtrControl is pointer on object.