
Capture Manager SDK


ILogPrintOut – it manages writing of log information by the next methods:

HRESULT setVerbose( DWORD aLevelType, BSTR aFilePath, BOOL aState) - state of print out of log, where aLevelType is constant of LogLevelaFilePath is the full file path to log file, aState is state of enabling or disabling write info to log file;

HRESULT addPrintOutDestination( DWORD aLevelType, BSTR aFilePath) - add print out destination, where aLevelType is constant of LogLevelaFilePath is the full file path to log file;

HRESULT removePrintOutDestination( DWORD aLevelType, BSTR aFilePath)remove print out destination, where aLevelType is constant of LogLevelaFilePath is the full file path to log file;