SourceXMLDocument – it is XML document which define the current properties of CaptureManager media sources.
Node "Sources" is declaration of the root XML node.
Node "Source" is declaration of one node of media source which contains information about the current source. Node "Source.Attributes" declars list of "Attribute" nodes.
Node "Attribute" presents information about source. It includes attribute "Name" for symbolic name of node, attribute "GUID" for unique id of node, attribute "Title" for friendly name of node, attribute "Description" for more informative description of node.
Node "PresentationDescriptor" includes information about audio and video streams. Node "PresentationDescriptor.Attributes" declars list of "Attribute" nodes.
Node "StreamDescriptor" includes information about one media stream. It includes attribute "Index" for unique id of the media stream,attribute "MajorType" for symbolic name of media type, attribute "MajorTypeGUID" for unique id of media type. Node "StreamDescriptor.Attributes declars list of "Attribute" nodes.
Node "MediaTypes" includes information about media types of the one media stream. It includes attribute "TypeCount" for amount of media types, which are supported by this stream.
Node "MediaType" includes information about one media type of the one media stream. It includes attribute "Index" which is unique index of current media type.
Node "MediaTypeItem" includes information about one media property of one media type. It includes attribute "Name" which is unique symbolic name of current property, attribute "GUID" which is unique id of current property, attribute "Title" which is friendly name of current property, attribute "Description" which is friendly description of current property.
Node "SingleValue" includes information about single value of media type property in attribute "Value".
Node "Value.ValueParts" includes information about one or more values which define media type property. Each value is defined by node "ValuePart" with attribute "Title" - is friendly title of value part and attribute "Value"
Node "RatioValue" includes information about one rational value which define media type property, which is presented in attribute "Value" in float format. This node includes two "ValuePart" nodes for for presenting rational value by ration of "Numerator" and "Denominator".
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!--XML Document of sources-->
<PresentationDescriptor StreamCount="">
<StreamDescriptor Index="" MajorType="" MajorTypeGUID="">
<MediaTypes TypeCount="">
<MediaType Index="">
<MediaTypeItem Name="" GUID="" Title="" Description="">
<Attribute Name="" GUID="" Title="" Description="">
<SingleValue Value=""/>
<ValuePart Title="" Value=""/>
<RatioValue Value="">
<ValuePart Title="Numerator" Value=""/>
<ValuePart Title="Denominator" Value=""/>
<ValuePart Title="Width" Value=""/>
<ValuePart Title="Height" Value=""/>
<ValuePart Title="Width" Value=""/>
<ValuePart Title="Height" Value=""/>
<ValuePart Title="OffsetX" Value=""/>
<ValuePart Title="OffsetY" Value=""/>