ISourceControl – it manages and creates sources of video and audio data by the next methods:
HRESULT getCollectionOfSources( BSTR* aPtrPtrXMLstring) - get collection of sources in XML form (SourceXMLDocument), where aPtrPtrXMLstring is a pointer on the create string;
HRESULT getSourceOutputMediaType( BSTR aSymbolicLink, DWORD aIndexStream, DWORD aIndexMediaType, IUnknown** aPtrPtrOutputMediaType) - get pointer on output media type of the source, where aSymbolicLink is a pointer on the unique symbolic link string of CaptureManager source, aIndexStream is index of stream in selected source, aIndexMediaType is index of media type in the selected stream in the selected source, aPtrPtrOutputMediaType is a pointer on the selected output media type of the selected source;
HRESULT createSourceNode( BSTR aSymbolicLink, DWORD aIndexStream, DWORD aIndexMediaType, IUnknown** aPtrPtrTopologyNode) - create source node from defined source settings, where aSymbolicLink is a pointer on the unique symbolic link string of CaptureManager source, aIndexStream is index of stream in selected source, aIndexMediaType is index of media type in the selected stream in the selected source, aPtrPtrTopologyNode is a pointer on the topology node which contains the selected source;
HRESULT createSourceNodeWithDownStreamConnection( BSTR aSymbolicLink, DWORD aIndexStream, DWORD aIndexMediaType, IUnknown* aPtrDownStreamTopologyNode, IUnknown** aPtrPtrTopologyNode) - create source node from defined source settings with down stream connection, where aSymbolicLink is a pointer on the unique symbolic link string of CaptureManager source, aIndexStream is index of stream in selected source, aIndexMediaType is index of media type in the selected stream in the selected source, aPtrDownStreamTopologyNode is a pointer on the topology node which is connected with the selected source, aPtrPtrTopologyNode is a pointer on the topology node which contains the selected source;
HRESULT createSource( BSTR aSymbolicLink, IUnknown** aPtrPtrMediaSource) - get MediaSource by Symbolic Link, where aSymbolicLink is a pointer on the unique symbolic link string of CaptureManager source, aPtrPtrMediaSource is a pointer on the selected source;
HRESULT createSourceFromCaptureProcessor( IUnknown* aPtrCaptureProcessor, IUnknown** aPtrPtrMediaSource) - get MediaSource by defined customized object, where aPtrCaptureProcessor is pointer on the customized object with ICaptureProcessor interface, aPtrPtrMediaSource is a pointer on the selected source;
HRESULT getSourceOutputMediaTypeFromMediaSource( IUnknown* aPtrMediaSource, DWORD aIndexStream, DWORD aIndexMediaType, IUnknown** aPtrPtrOutputMediaType) - get pointer on output media type from defined MediaSource and source settings, where aPtrMediaSource is the pointer on the selected source, aIndexStream is index of stream in selected source, aIndexMediaType is index of media type in the selected stream in the selected source, aPtrPtrOutputMediaType is a pointer on the selected output media type of the selected source;
HRESULT createSourceNodeFromExternalSource( IUnknown* aPtrMediaSource, DWORD aIndexStream, DWORD aIndexMediaType, IUnknown** aPtrPtrTopologyNode) - create source node from defined MediaSource and source settings, where aPtrMediaSource is the pointer on the selected source, aIndexStream is index of stream in selected source, aIndexMediaType is index of media type in the selected stream in the selected source, aPtrPtrTopologyNode is a pointer on the topology node which contains the selected source;
HRESULT createSourceNodeFromExternalSourceWithDownStreamConnection( IUnknown* aPtrMediaSource, DWORD aIndexStream, DWORD aIndexMediaType, IUnknown* aPtrDownStreamTopologyNode, IUnknown** aPtrPtrTopologyNode) - create source node from defined MediaSource and source settings with down stream connection, where aPtrMediaSource is the pointer on the selected source, aIndexStream is index of stream in selected source, aIndexMediaType is index of media type in the selected stream in the selected source, aPtrDownStreamTopologyNode is a pointer on the topology node which is connected with the selected source, aPtrPtrTopologyNode is a pointer on the topology node which contains the selected source;
HRESULT createSourceControl( BSTR aSymbolicLink, REFIID aREFIID, IUnknown** aPtrPtrControl) - create control for the source, where aSymbolicLink is a pointer on the unique symbolic link string of CaptureManager source, aREFIID is IID of interface of the needed source control (IWebCamControl), PtrPtrControl is a pointer on the control object;