
Capture Manager SDK


ICaptureManagerControl – it manages creating of all capturing control objects and miscellaneous objects by the next methods:

HRESULT createControl( REFIID aREFIID, IUnknown** aPtrPtrControl)create a control, where aREFIID is IID of the interface of the needed control object (ISourceControl, ISinkControl, IEncoderControl, ISessionControl, IStreamControl), aPtrPtrControl is pointer on the created object;

HRESULT createMisc( REFIID aREFIID, IUnknown** aPtrPtrMisc) - create a miscellaneous object, where aREFIID is IID of the interface of the needed miscellaneous object (IMediaTypeParser, IStrideForBitmap, IVersionControl, IEVRStreamControl, IRenderingControl), aPtrPtrMisc is pointer on the created object;