
Capture Manager SDK


IVersionControl – it manages information about current version of CaptureManager by the next methods:

HRESULT getVersion( DWORD* aPtrMAJOR, DWORD* aPtrMINOR, DWORD* aPtrPATCH, BSTR* aPtrPtrAdditionalLabel) – get version of library, where aPtrMAJOR is pointer to write major number of version, aPtrMINOR is pointer to write minor number of version, aPtrPATCH is pointer to write patch number of version, aPtrPtrAdditionalLabel is pointer to write additional label of version;
HRESULT getXMLStringVersion( BSTR* aPtrPtrXMLstring) - get XML string format of library version (CaptureManagerVersionXMLDocument), where aPtrPtrXMLstring is pointer on created string;

HRESULT checkVersion( DWORD aMAJOR, DWORD aMINOR, DWORD aPATCH, BOOL* aPtrResult) - check of version, where aMAJOR is major number of version, aMINOR is minor number of version, aPATCH is patch number of version, aPtrResult is pointer to write the result of checking.