EVRStreamOutputFeatureXMLDocument – it is XML document which defines current output features of the shared output renderer.
Node "Features" is declaration of the root XML node of feature list.
Node "Feature" is declaration of one feature. Attribute "Title" defines friendly name of the feature.
Node "Color" define color type of feature. It defines list of color's channels which are declared by node "Channel". Node "Channel" contains attribute "CurrentValue" defines current value of the channel, attribute "Index" defines index of the feature, attribute "Min" defines minimum acceptable value of the channel, attribute "Max" defines minimum acceptable value of the channel, attribute "Step" defines value of changing beween minimum and maximum values of the channel, attribute "Title" defines friendly name of the channel.
<!?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!-- XML Document of render stream output features -->
<Feature Title="Background Color">
<Channel CurrentValue="0" Index="1" Max="255" Min="0" Step="1" Title="Red"/>
<Channel CurrentValue="0" Index="2" Max="255" Min="0" Step="1" Title="Green"/>
<Channel currentvalue="0" index="3" Max="255" Min="0" Step="1" Title="Blue"/>